1428 Stacey Hall (office)
1415 Stacey Hall (lab)


Dr. Jonathan Rosen teaches and guides graduate Biomedical Engineers as they design their future and advance our standard of healthcare with breakthrough medical technologies. He is the Director of Professional Studies and Professor of Practice in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia.  He directs the BME Master of Engineering Program and teaches graduate courses on Advanced Biomedical Design and Innovation.

Dr. Rosen also holds an Adjunct Professor appointment in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Boston University, where he is the founding Executive Director of the Institute for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization and has served as Special Assistant to the Provost for Entrepreneurial Studies at Boston University. Dr. Rosen has served as a Visiting Scholar at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University, where he developed new models for translational research in micro-robotics, computer-assisted surgical instrumentation, tissue engineered organ systems, and advanced biomaterials delivery systems.

As Director of Technology Implementation for the Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology at Partners Healthcare Systems, Dr. Rosen facilitated the collaboration between clinicians, engineers and scientists developing breakthrough medical technologies in the fields of orthopedics, cardiovascular surgery, radiology, and diagnostic systems. He founded the Global Health Program at CIMIT, and he continues to develop medical technologies for low-resource settings. He established the Institute for Pediatric Innovation where he served as a founding member of the Board of Directors.

Dr. Rosen’s corporate career in the medical devices field spans more than four decades. He served as Chief Technology Officer for the Surgical Division of Johnson & Johnson, Director of Advanced Technology at the J&J Corporate Office of Science and Technology, and Director, Cardiovascular New Products at the J&J Vascor Heart Valve Division. Following his work at J&J, Dr. Rosen participated in the formation of Novoste Medical Systems as the founding CTO, and he founded MnemoSciences, GMbH, where he served as Managing Director.  He currently serves as the Chief Business Development Officer and Executive Director, Life Sciences at NBD Nanotechnologies.