Patrick E. Hopkins

Patrick's research interests are in energy transport and coupled photonic interactions with condensed matter, soft materials, liquids, vapors, plasmas and their interfaces. His lab uses various optical thermometry-based experiments to measure the thermal conductivity, thermal boundary conductance, thermal accommodation, strain propagation and sound speed, optical properties, and electron, phonon, vibrational and polaritonic scattering mechanisms in a wide array of bulk materials and nanosystems from cryogenic to ultrahigh temperatures.
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, UVA, 2004
B.A. Physics, UVA, 2004
Ph.D. ​Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia, 2008
​Harry S. Truman Postdoctoral Fellow, Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, 2008-2011
"We are studying new materials and systems to help create more energy efficient technologies and processes."