Group News

  • HYDROGENIUS Research Symposium

    Prof. Burns presented a talk titled, "Mechanistic Understanding and Engineering Scale Modeling of HEAC Susceptibility in Monel K-500" at the HYDROGENIUS Fatigue and Fracture Research Symposium held at Kyushu University in Japan.

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  • Welcome to the Group!

    Justine Schulte joined the Burns Research Group as an undergraduate research assistant! Welcome to the team!

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  • 2017 Burns Group News

    12/2017 Adam Thompson, Zach Harris, and Prof. Burns' paper submission to the 12th International Fatigue Congress in Poltiers, France entitled "Characterization of the effects of high altitude environments on dislocation structure evolution during fatigue loading of 7075-T651," is accepted for inclusion in the conference as a presentation. Bonne chance (good luck) on the talk!!

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  • 2016 Burns Group News

    12/2016 Zach Harris receives the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Teaching Fellowship to teach the "Origins of Mechanical Behavior" course with Prof. Burns. Congrats Zach!

    10/2016 Kendall Mueller joins the Burns Research Group as a undergraduate research assistant! Welcome to the team!

    10/2016 Raewyn Haines joins the Burns Research Group as a undergraduate research assistant! Welcome to the team!

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  • 2015 Burns Group News

    12/2015 Prof. Burns took the group out for a Christmas Happy Hour at Eddy's Tavern! Happy holidays!

    11/2015 New computers and a in-situ furnace are installed in the lab to complete the final round of upgrades!

    11/2015 Noelle Co presented a poster at the DoD-Allied Nations Technical Corrosion Conference titled "Galvanic Corrosion Induced Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation Behavior in AA 7050-T7451." She won 2nd place in the Milton Levy Category for the field of Corrosion Science! Congratulations Noelle!!

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  • 2014 Burns Group News

    12/2014 Fracture Group's annual Christmas party at Dr. Gangloff's! Thank you for hosting!

    11/2014 Prof. Burns is selected to be a guest editor for the International Journal of Fatigue! Congratulations Prof. Burns!

    10/2014 Dr. Sang Kim and Dr. Kwon from Gyeongsang National University and the Korean Institute of Materials Science visit with the Burns Group. They gave an interesting talk on their work and then met with students from the Burns Group.

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