IPS Wind Tunnel

The FRIL Inertial Particle Separator (IPS) Wind Tunnel is a two-dimensionally simplified test facility that approximates particle filtration systems found on helicopter jet engines.




Configuration - Pull-down configuration consisting of a contraction section followed by a test section

Optical access - Optical access with a length of 30 cm and spanwise width of 20 cm

Speed - Flow inlet speeds of up to 150 m/s

Flow components - Flow separated into a scavenge flow (up to 300 SCFM) and a core flow (up to 1500 SCFM)

Controller - PID automated controller controls flow legs independently

Simulation - Flow velocity, length scales and test particles simulate realistic full-scale engine inlet conditions

Versatility - Supports the testing of a variety of separator geometries

Imaging - Particle image velocimetry and high-speed video data capture (20,000 fps) provide particle separation efficiency measurements and velocity field descriptions