Vinay, Jay, and Linsheng's paper titled "A 90-125 GHz Stacked PA in 130 nm InP HBT with 18.3 % peak PAE at 15.3 dBm Output Power" is accepted at the 2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM). Congrats Vinay, Jay, and Linsheng!
Vinay, Jay, and Linsheng's paper titled "A 90-125 GHz Stacked PA in 130 nm InP HBT with 18.3 % peak PAE at 15.3 dBm Output Power" is accepted at the 2022 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM). Congrats Vinay, Jay, and Linsheng!