Target Identification

Identification of Disease Biomarkers

Proteomic strategies that allow unbiased identification of proteins and their post-transcriptional and -translational modifications are an essential complement to genomic strategies. We have developed a method to couple the power of combinatorial screening technologies such as phage display to identify those ligands.

Select Publications

  1. Gutknecht MF, Seaman ME, Ning B, Cornejo DA, Mugler E, Antkowiak PF, Moskaluk CA, Hu S, Epstein FH, Kelly KA. Identification of the S100 fused-type protein hornerin as a regulator of tumor vascularity. Nature communications. 2017 Sep 15;8(1):552.
  2. Brinton LT, Bauknight DK, Dasa SS, Kelly KA. PHASTpep: analysis software for discovery of cell-selective peptides via phage display and next-generation sequencing. PloS one. 2016 May 17;11(5):e0155244.
  3. Bausch, D, Thomas, S, Mino-Kenudson, M, Fernandez-del Castillo, Bauer, TW, Williams, M, Warshaw, AL, Thayer, SP, and Kelly, KA.  Plectin-1 as a novel biomarker for pancreatic cancer.  Clinical Cancer Research, 2010 Nov 23   PMCID: PMC3044444

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