Advanced Materials and Composites
Advanced Materials and Composites
Future infrastructure systems need to have characteristics of intelligence to meet the needs of our growing and shifting populations. This research aims to incorporate functionality and adaptability into civil infrastructure systems and reduce their vulnerability against natural hazards by developing and integrating advanced composite materials into structural design.
Self-Sensing Concrete
Cement-based self-sensing composites with intrinsic strain- and damage-sensing capabilities provide a practical and sustainable alternative to monitor the health of concrete structures. This research explores the development of self-sensing cementitious composites using various infills such as graphene nanoplatelets, carbon black or steel fibers.
Graphene-Reinforced Concrete
This research aims to improve mechanical performance and durability of cementitious materilas through incorporation of graphene-based nanomaterials. The development of such materials can extend service life of future concrete structures. This will lower the energy and emissions devoted to concrete materials and structures, and lead to more sustainable built environment.
Corrosion Resistant Steel
Structural steel is prone to high rates of corrosion when exposed to aggressive environmental conditions. A1010 steel is a 12%-chromium ferritic-martensitic dual-phase steel alloy product and can provide improved corrosion resistance.This research explores the mechanical properties of A1010 steel and the factors that impact the economic benefit of their use in bridge construction based on life-cycle cost analyses.
Polymer Nanocomposites
Adding nanofillers to epoxy resins can provide a polymer matrix with improved mechanical properties and additional functional properties. This research investigates an efficient dispersion technique to fabricate GNP/epoxy composites and evaluates the properties of the developed polymer nanocomposites.
Basalt FRP (BFRP) composites
Basalt fibers are a class of the environmentally-friendly inorganic natural fibers that have been recently used in FRP industry to fabricate basalt-epoxy composites. Basalt FRP (BFRP) composites have recently emerged as an alternative and advantageous FRP type. This research explores the use of BFRPs in civil infrastructure.
Sample Related Publications
- Jiang, Z., Sevim, O. and Ozbulut, O. E. (2021). “Mechanical properties of graphene nanoplatelets-reinforced concrete prepared with different dispersion techniques.” Construction and Building Materials, 303, 124472, 1-13,, October 2021.
- Kilic, U., Sherif, M., Daghash, S. and Ozbulut, O. E. (2021). “Tensile characterization of graphene nanoplatelet/shape memory alloy/epoxy composites using digital and thermal imaging.” Polymer Composites, 42(3), 1235-1244,, March 2021.
- Demircilioglu, E., Teomete, E., and Ozbulut, O. E. “Characterization of smart brass fiber reinforced concrete through compression, split tensile and notched bending tests.” Construction Building and Materials, 265, 120411,, December 2020.
- Daghash, S., Huang, Q., and Ozbulut, O. E. (2019). “Tensile behavior and cost efficiency evaluation of ASTM A1010 steel for bridge construction.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24(8), 1-15,, August 2019.
- Kilic, U., Sherif, M., and Ozbulut, O. E. (2019). “Tensile properties of graphene nanoplatelets/epoxy composites fabricated by various dispersion techniques.” Polymer Testing, 76, 181-191,, July 2019.
- Ozbulut, O. E., Jiang, Z., and Harris, D. K. (2018). “Exploring scalable fabrication of self-sensing cementitious composites with graphene nanoplatelets.” Smart Materials and Structures, 27(11), 115029,, November 2018.
- Sherif, M., Khakimova, E., Tanks, J., and Ozbulut, O. E. (2018). “Cyclic flexural behavior of hybrid SMA/steel fiber reinforced concrete analyzed by optical and acoustic techniques.” Composite Structures, 201, 248-260,, October 2018.
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