R.M. Katona, J.C. Carpenter, A.W. Knight, C.R. Bryan, R.F. Schaller, R.G. Kelly, E.J. Schindelholz, Importance of the hydrogen evolution reaction in magnesium chloride solutions on stainless steel, Corros. Sci. 177 (2020) 108935. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.CORSCI.2020.108935.
R.M. Katona, R.G. Kelly, C.R. Bryan, R.F. Schaller, A.W. Knight, Use of in situ Raman spectroelectrochemical technique to explore atmospheric corrosion in marine-relevant environments, Electrochem. Commun. 118 (2020) 106768. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.ELECOM.2020.106768.
R.M. Katona, S. Tokuda, J. Perry, R.G. Kelly, Design, Construction, and Validation for in-situ Water Layer Thickness Determination during Accelerated Corrosion Testing, Corros. Sci. 175 (2020) 108849. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.CORSCI.2020.108849.
U.-E. Charles-Granville, C. Liu, J.R. Scully, R. Kelly, An RDE Approach to Investigate the Influence of Chromate on the Cathodic Kinetics on 7XXX Series Al Alloys under Simulated Thin Film Electrolytes, J. Electrochem. Soc. (2020). HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1149/1945-7111/ABA935.
R.S. Marshall, A. Goff, C. Sprinkle, A. Britos, R.G. Kelly, Estimating the Throwing Power of SS316 when Coupled with AA7075 Through Finite Element Modeling, Corrosion. 76 (2020) 476–484. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.5006/3438.
M. E. Parker, R. Repasky, S. Shrivastava, R. G. Kelly, The Role of H2O2 and K2S2O8 as Oxidizing Agents for Accelerated Corrosion Testing, CORROSION. 2020;76(4):373-384.
C. Liu, R.G. Kelly, Comparison study of the effect of oxide film properties on cathodic kinetics of stainless steel 304L and 316L during ORR potential window in sulfate solution, Corrosion. 75 (2019) 1087–1099. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.5006/3134.
R.M. Katona, J. Carpenter, E.J. Schindelholz, R.G. Kelly, Prediction of Maximum Pit Sizes in Elevated Chloride Concentrations and Temperatures, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166. 2019 C3364–C3375.
R. Marshall, R. Kelly, A. Goff, C. Sprinkle, Galvanic Corrosion Between Coated Al Alloy Plate and Stainless Steel Fasteners, Part 1: FEM Model Development and Validation, Corrosion. 75 (2019) 1461–1473. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.5006/3308.
C. Liu, R.G. Kelly, A Review of the Application of Finite Element Method (FEM) to Localized Corrosion Modeling, Corrosion. 75 (2019) 1285–1299. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.5006/3282.
C. Liu, G.W. Kubacki, R.G. Kelly, Application of Laplace equation-based modeling into corrosion damage prediction for galvanic coupling between a zinc plate and stainless steel rods under a thin film electrolyte, Corrosion. 75 (2019) 465–473. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.5006/2969.
G. W. Kubacki, J. P. Brownhill, R. G. Kelly, Comparison of Atmospheric Corrosion of Additively Manufactured and Cast Al-10Si-Mg Over a Range of Heat Treatments, CORROSION. 2019;75(12):1527-1540.
C. Liu, V.A. Yang, R.G. Kelly, Inhibition of Cathodic Kinetics by Zn2+ and Mg2+ on AA7050-T7451, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 (2019) C134–C146. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1149/2.0551906JES.
C. Liu, P. Khullar, R.G. Kelly, Acceleration of the Cathodic Kinetics on Aluminum Alloys by Aluminum Ions, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 (2019) C153–C161. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1149/2.0571906JES.
C. L. Alexander, C. Liu, A. Alshanoon, R. M. Katona, R. G. Kelly, J. Carpenter, C. Bryan, and E. Schindelholz Oxygen Reduction on Stainless Steel in Concentrated Chloride Media. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2018 165: 869-877.
C. L. Alexander, C. Liu, A. Alshanoon, R. M. Katona, R. G. Kelly, J. Carpenter, C. Bryan, and E. Schindelholz Oxygen [1] C. Liu, J. Srinivasan, R.G. Kelly, Electrolyte film thickness effects on the cathodic current availability in a galvanic couple, J. Electrochem. Soc. 164 (2017) C845–C855. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1149/2.1641713JES.
J. Srinivasan, C. Liu, R.G. Kelly, Geometric Evolution of Flux from a Corroding One-Dimensional Pit and Its Implications on the Evaluation of Kinetic Parameters for Pit Stability, J. Electrochem. Soc. 163 (2016) C694–C703. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1149/2.1221610JES.
M. L. Lim, R. Matthews, M. Oja, R. Tryon, R.G. Kelly, J. R. Scully, "Model to Predict Intergranular Corrosion Propagation in Three Dimension in AA5083-H131", Materials & Design, Vol. 96, pp.131-142(2016)
C. B. Crane, R.G. Kelly, R. P. Gangloff, "Crack Chemistry Control Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking in Sensitized Al-Mg", Corrosion, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp.242-263(2016)
M. L. Lim, R.G. Kelly, J. R. Scully, "Overview of Intergranular Corrosion Mechanisms, Phenomenological Observations, and Modeling of AA5083", Corrosion, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp.198-220(2016)
M.T. Woldemedhin, J. Srinivasan, R.G. Kelly, "Effects of Environmental Factors on Key Kinetic Parameters Relevant to Pitting Corrosion", Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp.3449-3461(2015)
J. Srinivasan, M. J. McGrath, R.G. Kelly, "A High-Throughput Artificial Pit Technique to Measure Kinetic Parameters for Pit Stability", Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 162, No. 14, pp.C725-C731(2015)
P. Khullar, J. V. Badilla, R.G. Kelly, "The Use of Sintered Ag/AgCl Electrode as Both Reference and Counter Electrode for Electrochemical Measurements in Thin Film Electrolytes", ECS Electrochemistry Letters, Vol. 4, No. 10, pp.C31-C33(2015)
J. Srinivasan, R.G. Kelly, "Experimental and Modeling Studies on Mass Transport and Electrochemical Factors Influencing Stainless Steel Pitting and Repassivation", Corrosion, 70 (12) 1172-1174
B. E. Risteen, E. Schindelholz, R. G. Kelly, "Marine Aerosol Drop Size Effects on the Corrosion Behavior of Low Carbon Steel and High Purity Iron", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 (14) C580-C586 (2014)
E. Schindelholz, B. E. Risteen, R. G. Kelly, "Effect of Relative Humidity on Corrosion of Steel under Sea Salt Aerosol Proxies II. MgCl2, Artificial Seawater", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 (10) C460-C470 (2014)
E. Schindelholz, B. E. Risteen, R. G. Kelly, "Effect of Relative Humidity on Corrosion of Steel under Sea Salt Aerosol Proxies I. NaCl", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 (10) C450-C459 (2014)
M. T. Woldemedhin, M. E. Shedd, R. G. Kelly, “Evaluation of the Maximum Pit Size Model on Stainless Steel under Atmospheric Conditions,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 (8) E1-E9 (2014)
E. Schindelholz, L-k Tsui, R. G. Kelly, "Hygroscopic Particle Behavior Studied by Interdigitated Array Microelectrode Impedance Sensors,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part A, (2013), Vol 118, No.1, pp. 167-177
N. Birbilis, R. Zhang, M.L.C. Lim, R.K. Gupta, C.H.J. Davies, S.P. Lynch, R.G. Kelly, J.R. Scully, "Quantification of Sensitization in AA5083-H131 via Imaging Ga-Embrittled Fracture Surfaces," Corrosion: April (2013), Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 396-402.
D. Mizuno, R. G. Kelly, “Galvanically Induced Intergranular Corrosion of AA5083-H131 Under Atmospheric Exposure Conditions - Part II – Modeling of the Damage Distribution,” Corrosion, 69, No. 7, pp. 681-692 (2013).
D. Mizuno, R. G. Kelly, “Galvanically Induced Intergranular Corrosion of AA5083-H131 Under Atmospheric Exposure Conditions - Part I – Experimental Characterization,” Corrosion, Vol. 69, No. 6, pp. 580-592 (2013).
E. Schindelholz, R.G. Kelly, I.S. Cole, W.D. Ganther, T.H. Muster, “Comparability and accuracy of time of wetness sensing methods relevant for atmospheric corrosion,” Corrosion Science, 67 233–241 (2013)
M.L.C. Lim, J.R. Scully, R.G. Kelly, "Intergranular Corrosion Penetration in an Al-Mg Alloy as a Function of Electrochemical and Metallurgical Conditions," Corrosion, No. 1, pp. 35-47 (2013).
E. Rouya, S. Cattarin, M. L. Reed, R. G. Kelly, and G. Zangari, "Electrochemical Characterization of the Surface Area of Nanoporous Gold Films," Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159 K97 (2012).
Y. Wan, E.B. Macha, R. G. Kelly, “Modification of ASTM B117 Salt Spray Corrosion Test and Its Correlation to Field Measurements of Silver Corrosion,” Corrosion, 68 (3), 03001 (2012).
D. Liang, H. C. Allen, G. S. Frankel, Z. Y. Chen, R. G. Kelly, Y. Wu, B. E. Wyslouzil, “Effects of Sodium Chloride Particles, Ozone, UV, and Relative Humidity on Atmospheric Corrosion of Silver,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157 C146-C156 (2010).
S. A. Policastro, J. C. Carnahan, G. Zangari, H. Bart-Smith, E. Seker, M. R. Begley, M. L. Reed, P. F. Reynolds, R. G. Kelly, “Surface Diffusion and Dissolution Kinetics in the Electrolyte-Metal Interface,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157(10) C328-C337 (2010).
E. Rouya, G. R. Stafford, C. Beauchamp, J. A. Floro, R.G. Kelly, M. L. Reed, G. Zangari, "In Situ Stress Measurements during Electrodeposition of Au–Ni Alloys," Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters(2010), 13(11), D87-D90.
E. Rouya, J. J. Mallett, P. Salvi, M. Villa, M. Begley, R. G. Kelly, M. Reed, G. Zangari, "Nanoporous Nickel by Electrochemical Dealloying," Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan(2010), 35(1), 23-26.
E, Rouya, G. R. Stafford, U. Bertocci, J. J. Mallett, R. Schad, R. Begley, R. G. Kelly, M. L. Reed, G. Zangari, "Electrodeposition of Metastable Au-Ni Alloys," Journal of the Electrochemical Society(2010), 157(7).
Z.Y. Chen, D. Liang, G. Ma, G. S. Frankel, H. C. Allen, R. G. Kelly, "Influence of UV irradiation and ozone on atmospheric corrosion of bare silver," Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 45(2), 169-180 (2010).
Z. Y. Chen, R. G. Kelly, “Calculations of the Cathodic Current Delivery Capacity and Stability of Pit Size on Stainless Steel in Atmospheric Environments,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society(2010), 157(2), C69-C78.
E. Schindelholz, R. G. Kelly, “Application of Inkjet Printing for Depositing Salt Prior to Atmospheric Corrosion Testing,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 13(10), C29-C31, (2010).
P. E. Hopkins, P. M. Norris, L. M. Phinney, S. A. Policastro, and R. G. Kelly, "Thermal Conductivity in Nanoporous Gold Films during Electron-Phonon Nonequilibrium," Journal of Nanomaterials(2008), Article ID 418050, 7 Pages.
Z. Y. Chen, F. Cui, R. G. Kelly, “Calculations of the Cathodic Current Delivery Capacity and Stability of Crevice Corrosion under Atmospheric Environments,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society(2008), 155(7), C360-C368.
E. Seker, J. T. Gaskins, H. Bart-Smith, J. Zhu, M. L. Reed, G. Zangari, R. G. Kelly, M. R. Begley, ” The Effects of Annealing prior to Dealloying on the Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Gold Microbeams,” Acta Materialia, 56(3), 324-332 (2008).
J. R. Scully, F. Presuel-Moreno, M. Goldman, R. G. Kelly, N. Tailleart, “User-selectable Barrier, Sacrificial Anode, and Active Corrosion Inhibiting Properties of Al-Co-Ce Alloys for Coating Applications,” Corrosion, 64(3), 210-229 (2008).
C. D. Taylor, R. G. Kelly, M. Neurock, “First-Principles Prediction of Equilibrium Potentials for Water Activation by a Series of Metals,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 154(12), F217-F221 (2007).
O. Schneider, G. O. Ilevbare, R. G. Kelly, J. R. Scully, “In-situ Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy of AA2024-T3 Corrosion Metrology III. Underfilm Corrosion of Epoxy-Coated AA2024-T3,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 154(8), C397-C410 (2007).
E. Seker, J. T. Gaskins, H. Bart-Smith, J. Zhu, M. L. Reed, G. Zangari, R. G. Kelly, M. R. Begley, “The Effects of Post-fabrication Annealing on the Mechanical Properties of Free-standing Nanoporous Gold Structures,” Acta Materialia, 55(14), 4593-4602 (2007).
O. M. Schneider, G. O. Ilevbare, J. R. Scully, R. G. Kelly, “Localized Coating Failure of Epoxy-coated Aluminium Alloy 2024-T3 in 0.5 M NaCl Solutions: Correlations among Coating Property Degradation, Blister Formation, and Local Chemistry within Blisters,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 154(8), C397-C410 (2007).
Z. Y. Chen, R. G. Kelly, “An Analytical Modeling Method for Calculating the Maximum Cathode Current Deliverable by a Circular Cathode under Atmospheric Exposure,” in Simulation of Electrochemical Processes II, V. G. DeGiorgi, C. A. Brebbia, R. A. Adey, eds., WIT Press, Boston, pp. 33-42 (2007).
K. R. Cooper, R. G. Kelly, “Crack Tip Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Environmental Cracks in AA7050,” Corrosion Science, 49, 2636–2662 (2007).
C. D. Taylor, R. G. Kelly, M Neurock, “Theoretical Analysis of the Nature of Hydrogen at the Electrochemical Interface between Water and a Ni(111) Single-Crystal Electrode,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 154, F55 (2007).
C. D. Taylor, M. J. Janik, M. Neurock, R. G. Kelly, "Ab initio Simulations of the Electrochemical Activation of Water," Molecular Simulation, 33(4-5), 429-436 (2007).
O. M. Schneider, R. G. Kelly, “Localized Coating Failure of Epoxy-coated Aluminium Alloy 2024-T3 in 0.5 M NaCl Solutions: Correlation between Coating Degradation, Blister Formation and Local Chemistry within Blisters,” Corrosion Science, 49, 594–619 (2007).
J. Zhu, E. Seker, H. Bart-Smith, M. R. Begley, M. Reed, R. G. Kelly, G. Zangari, W. Lye, “Mitigation of Tensile Failure in Released Nanoporous Microstructures via Thermal Treatment, Appl Phys Lett, 89, 133104 (2006).
C. Taylor, R. G. Kelly, M. Neurock, “First-Principles Calculations of the Electrochemical Reactions of Water at an Immersed Ni(111)/H2O Interface,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 153 (12) E207-E214 (2006).
F. J. Presuel-Moreno, H. Wang, M. A. Jakab, R. G. Kelly, J. R. Scully, “Computational Modeling of Active Corrosion Inhibitor Release from an Al-Co-Ce Metallic Coating Protection of Exposed AA2024-T3,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 153(11) B486-B498 (2006).
F. Cui, F. J. Preseul-Moreno, R. G. Kelly, “Experimental and Computational Evaluation of the Protection Provided by an Aluminum Cladding to AA2024-T3 Exposed at a Seacoast Environment,” Corrosion, 62(3), 251-263 (2006).
F. Gui, R. G. Kelly, “A Study of Performance of Corrosion Prevention Compounds on AA2024-T3 with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,” Electrochimica Acta,51(8-9), 1797-1805 (2006).
F. Cui, F. J. Preseul-Moreno, R. G. Kelly, “Computational Modeling of Cathodic Limitations on Localized Corrosion of Wetted SS 316L at Room Temperature,” Corrosion Science, 47, 987–3005 (2005).
F. J. Preseul-Moreno, M. E. Goldman, R. G. Kelly, J. R. Scully, “Electrochemical Sacrificial Cathodic Prevention Provided by an Al-Co-Ce Metal Coating Coupled to AA2024-T3,”, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 152(8), B302-B310 (2005).
K. R. Cooper, R. G. Kelly, “Measurement and Modeling of Crack Conditions During the Environment-Assisted Cracking of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy,” in Environmentally Induced Cracking of Materials II, S. Shipilov, ed., Elsevier, 335-344 (2005).
M. P. Ciccone, R. P. Gangloff, R. G. Kelly, “Test Environment Selection for Corrosion-Fatigue Testing of Aluminum Alloy 7075-T6,” Corrosion, 61(6), pp. 571-578 (2005).
K. R. Cooper, K. Furrow, R. G. Kelly, “Wicking and Water Displacement by Corrosion Prevention Compounds In Simulated Aircraft Aluminum Alloy Lap Joints,” Corrosion, 61 (2), pp. 155-166 (2005).
F. Gui, R. G. Kelly, “Performance Assessment and Prediction of Corrosion Prevention Compounds with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,” Corrosion, 61(2), pp. 119-129 (2005).
K. R. Cooper, Y. Ma, J. P. Wikswo, R. G. Kelly, “Simultaneous Monitoring of the Corrosion Activity and Moisture inside Aircraft Lap Joints,” Corrosion Engineering, Science, and Technology,39(4), 339-345 (2004).
J. M. Williams, R. G. Kelly, “An Analysis of Corrosive Species Ingress into IM7/PETI-5 Ti Honeycomb Composites,” Composites Science and Technology, 64, 1875-1883 (2004).
G. O. Ilevbare, O. Schneider, R.G. Kelly, J.R Scully, “In-Situ Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Of AA2024-T3 Corrosion Metrology: 2. Trench Formation Around Particles,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 151 (8), B465-472 (2004).
G. O. Ilevbare, O. Schneider, R.G. Kelly, J.R Scully, “In-Situ Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Of AA2024-T3 Corrosion Metrology: 1. Localized Corrosion of Particles,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 151 (8), B453-464 (2004).
J. S. Lee, M. L. Reed, R. G. Kelly, “Combination of Rigorously Controlled Crevice Geometry and Computational Modeling for the Study of Crevice Corrosion Scaling Factors,” Journal of Electrochemical Society, 151 (7), B423-B433 (2004).
H. Wang, F. Preseul, R. G. Kelly, “Computational Modeling of Inhibitor Release and Transport from Multifunctional Organic Coatings,” Electrochimica Acta, 49/2, 239-255 (2004).
O. Schneider, R. G. Kelly, “Localized Coating Failure of Epoxy-Coated AA2024-T3 in 0.5 M NaCl Solutions: Comparison of Conventional Electrochemical Techniques and Microelectrochemical Methods,” Corr. Eng. S&T , 38(2), 119-128 (2003).
K. S. Ferrer, R. G. Kelly, “Development of an Aircraft Lap Joint Simulant Environment,” Corrosion, 58(5), 452-459, 2002.
O. Schneider, G. O. Ilevbare, J. R. Scully, R. G. Kelly, “Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy as a Tool for In Situ Monitoring of Corrosion underneath Organic Coatings,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 4(12), B35–B38, 2001.
K. S. Ferrer, R. G. Kelly, "Comparison of Methods for Removal of Corrosion Products from AA2024-T3," Corrosion, 57, 110-117 (2001).
G. O. Ilevbare, J. Yuan, R. G. Kelly, J. R. Scully, "Inhibition of the Corrosion of AA 2024: Chromate Conversion Coating versus Chromate Additions," Corrosion, 56(3), 227-242 (2000).
A. M. Mierisch, J. Yuan, R. G. Kelly, S. R. Taylor, “Probing Coating Degradation Using Local Chemical and Electrochemical Techniques, Journal of Electrochemical Society, 146(12), 4449-4454 (1999).
K. R. Cooper, R. G. Kelly, “Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Study the Chemical Conditions Within Cracks in Al Alloys,” Journal of Chromatography A, 850, 381-9 (1999).
R. G. Kelly, J. Yuan, C. M. Weyant, K. S. Lewis, “Capillary Electrophoresis Applications in Corrosion Science and Engineering,” Journal of Chromatography A, 834, 433-444 (1999).
C. S. Brossia, R. G. Kelly, “Occluded Chemistry Control and the Effects of Alloy Sulfur in the Initiation of Crevice Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steel,” Corrosion Science, 40, 1851-1871 (1998).
C. S. Brossia, R. G. Kelly, “Influence of Alloy Sulfur Content and Bulk Electrolyte Composition on Crevice Corrosion Initiation of Austenitic Stainless Steel,” Corrosion, 54, 145-154 (1998).
Z. Fei, R. G. Kelly, J. L. Hudson, “Spatiotemporal Patterns on Electrode Arrays,” J. Phys. Chem., 100(49), 18986-18991 (1996).
R. G. Kelly, C. S. Brossia, K. R. Cooper, J. Krol, “Analysis of Disparate Levels of Anions of Relevance to Corrosion Processes,” Journal of Chromatography A, 740, 191-98 (1996).
K. R. Cooper, R. G. Kelly, "Sources of Variability in Cation Analyses for Exfoliation Corrosion Resistance Test," Journal of Chromatography A, 740, 183-90 (1996).
R. G. Kelly, P. J. Ambrose, R. C. Wilson, K. A. Jefferies, S. Kannan, "Results of Corrosion Coupon Exposures of Ferrous Materials in Black Liquor," Tappi Journal, 79 148-154 (1996).
C. S. Brossia, R. G. Kelly, "A Reference Electrode for Use in Methanol Solutions," Electrochimica Acta, 41, 2579-2585 (1996).
S. Kannan, R. G. Kelly, "The Role of Dihydroxybenzenes in the Corrosion of Steel in Black Liquor," Corrosion Science, 38, 1051-1069 (1996).
L. A. Pawlick, R. G. Kelly, "An Electrochemical Investigation of the Corrosion Behavior of AA5052 in Methanolic Solutions," J. Corrosion Sci. & Engr., 1(4), 1-12 (1995).
G. Salamat, G. A. Juhl, R. G. Kelly, "The Mechanism of Dissimilar Metal Crevice Corrosion in Superferritic Stainless Steel," Corrosion, 51, 826-836 (1995).
C. S. Brossia, E. Gileadi, R. G. Kelly, "The Electrochemistry on Iron in Methanolic Solutions and Its Relation to Corrosion," Corrosion Science, 37, 1455-1471 (1995).
Z. Fei, J. L Hudson, R. G. Kelly, "A Low Noise Contact for Rotating Electrodes," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 141, L123-4 (1994).
R. P. Gangloff, R. G. Kelly, "Microbe Enhanced Fatigue Crack Propagation in HY 130 Steel," Corrosion, 50, 345-354 (1994).
B. K. Nash, R. G. Kelly, "The Characterization of the Crevice Solution Chemistry in 304 Stainless Steel," Corrosion Science, 35, 817-825 (1993)
P. D. Bastek, R. C. Newman, R. G. Kelly, "Experimental Determination of the Effects of the Surrounding Passive Film on Scratched Electrode Behavior," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 140, 1884-1889 (1993).
R. G. Kelly, H. S. Scully, G. E. Stoner, "Corrosion of Packaged Galvanized Steel Analyzed by Capillary Electrophoresis," British Corrosion Journal, 28, 3, 1-4 (1993).
J. F. Dante, R. G. Kelly, "The Evolution of the Adsorbed Solution Layer During Atmospheric Corrosion and Its Effects on the Corrosion Rate of Copper," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 140, 1890-1897 (1993).
H. S. Scully, L. Brumback, R. G. Kelly, "Chromatographic Studies of Localized Corrosion Sites," Journal of Chromatography, 640, 345-350 (1993).
B. K. Nash, R. G. Kelly, "Applications of Ion Chromatography to Corrosion Studies," Journal of Chromatography, 605, 135-140 (1992).
B. K. Nash, R. G. Kelly, "The Use of Ion Chromatography for the Study of Localized Corrosion," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 139, L48-L49 (1992).
R. C. Newman, B. J. Webster, R. G. Kelly, "The Electrochemistry of SRB Corrosion and Related Phenomena," J. Iron and Steel Institute of Japan Intl., 31, 201-209 (1991).
D. E. Williams, R. C. Newman, Q. Song, R. G. Kelly, "Passivity and Passivity Breakdown of Binary Alloys," Nature, 350, 216-218 (1991).
R. G. Kelly, A. J. Frost, T. Shahrabi, R. C. Newman, "Brittle Fracture of an Ag/Au Alloy Induced by a Surface Film," Metall. Trans., 22A, 531-541 (1991).
R. G. Kelly, R. C. Newman, "Confirmation of the Applicability of Scratched Electrode Techniques for the Determination of Bare Surface Current Densities," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 137, 357-358 (1990).
R. G. Kelly, P. J. Moran, "Passivity of Metals in Organic Solvents," Corrosion Science, 30, 495-509 (1990).
R. G. Kelly, P. J. Moran, J. Kruger, C. Zollman, E. Gileadi, "Passivity of Fe in Anhydrous Propylene Carbonate," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 136, 3262-3269 (1989).
R. G. Kelly, P. J. Moran, E. Gileadi, J. Kruger, "Passivity of Fe in Mixtures of Propylene Carbonate and Water," Electrochimica Acta, 34, 823-830 (1989).
R. G. Kelly, P. J. Moran, "The Rate limiting Mechanism in Li/I2 (P2VP) Batteries; Part II : Effect of Discharge Rate on the Contributions of the Cell Components to the Cell Impedance," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 134, 31-37 (1987).
R. G. Kelly, P. J. Moran, "The Rate limiting Mechanism in Li/I2 (P2VP) Batteries; Part I : Effect of Discharge Rate on the Morphology and Dimensions of the Cell Components," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 134, 25-31 (1987).
J. R. Scully, R. G. Kelly, "A Non destructive Electrochemical Test for Detecting Intergranular Corrosion of a Duplex Steel," Corrosion, 42, 537-542 (1986).
L. C. Phillips, R. G. Kelly, J. W. Wagner, P. J. Moran, "An Investigation of the Volume Change Associated with Discharge of Li/I2 Batteries via Holographic Interferometry," Journal of Electrochemical Society, 133, 1-5 (1986).
K. J. Bundy, R. G. Kelly, E. L. Brown, C. M. Delahunty, "pH Shifts Associated with Metal Ions in Tissue Culture," Biomaterials, 6, 89-96 (1985).