Localized Corrosion of SS
Development and Experimental Validation of Pitting and SCC Models for Welded Stainless Steel Dry Storage Containers Exposed to Atmospheric Environments
Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) is currently stored in welded stainless steel (SS) dry storage canisters (DSC) at independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSI). At near-marine ISFSI, the cooling air drawn from the outside leads to ingress of aerosols into the concrete overpack that will deposit on the steel. These aerosols will contain aggressive ions, including chloride ions, as well as oxidizing species. They can also develop very low surface pH values which can cause localized corrosion, namely pitting corrosion. The goal of the project is to predict the localized corrosion damage on the surface of the canisters and understand the transition to and propagation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC).
Sponsor: Departement of Energy (DOE)
Gradute Students Involved: Liat Bell and Ryan Katona
The project will involve prediction of localized corrosion on the surface of a corrosive alloy. Maximum pit sizes will be predicted as a function of environment and various aspects will be explored.
- R. M. Katona, J. C. Carpenter, E. J. Schindelholz, R. G. and Kelly, "Prediction of Maximum Pit Sizes in Elevated Chloride Concentrations and Temperatures", Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 166, 2019, p. C3364–C3375
- R. M. Katona, J. C. Carpenter, A. W. Knight, C.R. Bryan, R.F. Schaller, R.G. Kelly, E.J. Schindelholz, Importance of the hydrogen evolution reaction in magnesium chloride solutions on stainless steel, Corros. Sci. 177 (2020) 108935. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.CORSCI.2020.108935.
- R. M. Katona, R. G. Kelly, C. R. Bryan, R. F. Schaller, and A. W. Knight, "Use of in situ Raman spectroelectrochemical technique to explore atmospheric corrosion in marine-relevant environments", Electrochemistry Communications, Vol. 118, 2020, p. 106768