• Explore Engineering Program at UVA Helps Local Students Do Just That

    Enrichment program for middle school students helps open young minds to new possibilities.

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  • Making Numbers Personal

    How computer science third-year Anjali Mehta is using data science for the greater good.

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  • UVA Engineer Innovates a Liquid Safety Cushioning Technology

    A Breakthrough in Material Design Will Help Football Players, Car Occupants and Hospital Patients

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  • ‘Get Hit, Move Forward’

    Giovanna Camacho trained to be an Army officer at the United States Military Academy. When she entered West Point, she was already pretty good at taking — and delivering — a punch.

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  • Faculty Spotlight: Professor Stomps the Gas So We Can Take Our Hands Off the Wheel

    Madhur Behl, associate professor of computer science and systems and information engineering, is in the spotlight for steering autonomous vehicles to safety.

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  • UVA Engineering Welcomes Executive Director of Development Warren Buford

    In addition to his role as executive director of development, Buford will head the UVA Engineering Foundation.

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  • Newer Tunabot Models Are Faster and Bigger — and May One Day Outperform Fish

    An accomplished UVA postdoctoral researcher knows the power of industry-academia collaborations for underwater vehicle design and development.

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  • UVA Professor Earns American Chemical Society Award for Work in Purifying Biological Products

    Giorgio Carta has received the 2023 Alan S. Michaels Award in Recovery of Biological Products.

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  • Retiring Computer Science Professor Leaves an Open Road to the Profession Behind Him

    Jim Cohoon worked for decades to make computer science more inclusive. His efforts, and his playful spirit, welcomed countless students into the fold.

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  • ChemE Team Part of UVA’s 2023 i.Lab Incubator Cohort of Up-and-Coming Ventures

    2023 Ph.D. graduate Chen Cai and his advisor, Gary Koenig, are participating in the Darden School’s i.Lab Incubator to commercialize their new high-density battery technology. at.virginia.edu/IFGCyp

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  • Universities to Train AI to Outmaneuver Cyber Threat

    Computer science’s David Evans is helping to fight AI-enabled cyber threats with AI-enabled countermeasures.

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  • Brenton S. Halsey Distinguished Visiting Professorship Namesake Dies

    Brenton “Brent” Shaw Halsey, namesake of the Brenton S. Halsey Distinguished Visiting Professorship in Chemical Engineering, died May 28, 2023, at age 96.

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