• We all have a part to play in averting future lead poisoning disasters

    John R. Scully, Charles Henderson Chaired Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, and UVA MSE alum Raymond Santucci (Ph.D., '19) explain how electrochemistry impacts clean water availability based on their study of the Flint lead crisis, writing for the UVA Darden Water Blog.

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  • Say Goodbye to the Memory Wall

    Researchers in the University of Virginia’s Department of Computer Science and Charles L. Brown Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are leading a $29.7 million research effort to remove.

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  • A Brain Trust Approach

    Decarbonizing heavy freight trucks won’t be easy; no technology today has the power and efficiency to replace diesel engines for moving goods over long distances.

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  • Reaping the Rewards of Research Growth

    UVA's Department of Biomedical Engineering Shows Just What Can Happen When Research Grows 114% in Seven Years.

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  • Announcing the Tiffany and Matthew Link Fellowship

    A New Opportunity for Graduate Students in Biomedical Engineering

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  • UVA Joins Forces with the Virginia Department of Elections in Statewide Effort to Prepare Future Cybersecurity Leaders for Protecting Critical Infrastructure

  • Putting It All on the Line

    UVA Students Test Their Code in a Robot Competition that Relies on Teamwork

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  • Science Technology and Society Professor Calls Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Big, Not Transformational

    Peter Norton, a historian in the Department of Engineering and Society, told the Associated Press the $1 trillion infrastructure bill is more of the same.

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  • Grad Students Learn Construction Industry on Site of Alderman Library Renovation

    Participants in a new civil engineering course, Construction Practice, shadow team members to see firsthand the collaboration it takes to manage a large building project.

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  • Second-Edition Textbook on Technology and Society Aspires to Make a Difference

  • Construction Practice: Grad Students Learn Industry Via Alderman Library Renovation

    A new graduate-level course called “Construction Practice” allows students to shadow construction team members who are working on the Alderman Library renovation. 

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  • How Do We Make Machines Smarter than Alexa and Siri?

    A UVA Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. Student is Developing a New Type of Memory that Could Give Artificial Intelligence a Big Push Forward

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