About the Program
The Computer Engineering Program gives students an opportunity to work with top researchers in the country and to participate in new research initiatives. The Program is jointly administered by the Departments of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science in the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia.
Offering both undergraduate and graduate education, computer engineering students can choose to study with any faculty member in the School of Engineering. The Program encourages faculty to collaborate across departments and to co-advise students in areas that intersect traditional curricular lines.
"Our main work is creating technology for healthcare, especially for the elderly. Using smart homes, phones, wearables, and in-situ sensors, our technology is applied to patients with dementia, depression, epilepsy and obesity. We are also performing research for smart cities of the future. In particular, this work focuses on improving services and ensuring safety of smart cities."

"My research has been used in controllers and medical devices. My teaching focuses on developing deep understanding and encouraging creativity."