• Students in a lab study a sample

    Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology

    Chemical Engineering Our nanotechnology research explores polymer nanocomposites, nanomaterials, and advanced polymer membrane materials, including semiconductor and nanoparticle research, metal-organic frameworks crystal growth, and engineering biomaterials for diverse applications like tissue engineering, drug delivery, and electronic devices.
  • Syringe depositing material on to a slide

    Soft Materials

    Materials Science and Engineering We study and develop soft materials to solve challenges in sustainability and health.
  • Prof. Donald Griffin and student look at sample in lab

    Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials

    Biomedical Engineering we push the boundaries through the development, optimization, and implementation of new and exciting chemistry, biology, and advanced biomanufacturing technology. Our ultimate goal is to control and replicate cells and tissues with the same precision and function as is found in nature, in order to provide greater translational therapies.