Local Programs

Customized Training and Technical Assistance Programs

VA Local Technical Assistance Program (VA LTAP)

At Virginia’s Local Technical Assistance Program we ensure local transportation providers have the skills and knowledge needed to achieve safe, efficient and sustainable transportation systems and infrastructure. We host TRAINING WORKSHOPS and conduct ONLINE TRAINING.

Transportation Project Management Institute (TPMI)

The Transportation Project Management Institute (TPMI) is an eight-day intensive residential training program exclusively designed for managing the development phase of transportation projects.

Connected Vehicle Pooled Fund Study (CV PFS)

CV PFS supports state and local agencies in preparing for the effective deployment of connected vehicle systems infrastructure, and to introduce connected vehicle system applications that allow agencies to more effectively meet their missions. The University of Virginia Center for Transportation Studies (UVA CTS) will support the Virginia Department of...

Safety Circuit Rider Program (SCR)

The SCR program was designed to provide safety-related information, training, technology transfer and support to agencies responsible for roadway safety.