MSE Graduate Student Board

The Department of Materials Science Graduate Student Board (MSE GSB) is comprised of graduate students from the Materials Science department at the University of Virginia. We are here to represent and serve the MSE student body! GSB plans social activities, organizes service opportunities, assists with new student recruitment, and sets up practice qualifying examinations.

Look through the site for more information on GSB goals, events, and officers. Keep up-to-date on current happenings by visiting the "Upcoming Events" tab or by visiting the GSB Facebook page!

Current Board (2023-2024)


Picture of eight of the members of the graduate student board

Lauren Bowling

Executive Chair

Clark Luckhardt

Vice Chair

Keithen Orson

Social Chair/Treasurer

Timothy Montoya

Liaison to the Department Chair

Farzad Bastani

International Student Liaison

Benjamin Aronson

Service Chair

Peter Connors

Recruitment Chair

Deb Sur/Sam Inman

Qualifier Student Review Chairs

Sarah Beth Holles


Sara Makarham

Professional Development Chair

Deb Sur

GESC Representative

Imoen Stack

Diversity and Inclusion Chair

Sandamal Witharamage

Post-doc Liaison

Makenzie Savage

Undergraduate Liaison

MSE Graduate Student Board Bylaws

Last updated: 6/18/2020

Section 1 – The name of the organization shall be the Graduate Student Board (GSB) of the Materials Science Engineering Department at UVA.

Section 2 – The primary purpose of the Graduate Student Board is to coordinate and oversee outreach, departmental activities, and student life in the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) and Engineering Physics (EP) graduate programs at the University of Virginia (UVA). Members of the GSB promote good morale within the department and university as well as exemplify the UVA’s core values of honor, integrity, trust, and respect.

Section 1 – Eligibility for Membership: Students may be eligible for Graduate Student Board membership after completion of their first semester at UVA. Members may include any student currently enrolled as a graduate student in MSE or EP programs. Members may serve as long as they wish with no maximum term length. Members of the Board of Directors shall be elected from the membership of GSB; the duties and term periods for the Board of Directors are defined in Article IV.

Section 2 – Rights of Members: GSB meetings allow for a safe space for members to share their thoughts and opinions without fear of administrator or advisor repercussions. Members may introduce new discussion topics and concerns during GSB meetings that they wish discussed, even if they are outside of the predetermined agenda. Commentary and questioning sections are an integral part of every GSB meeting.

Section 3 – Resignation and Termination: Members of GSB, including board members, who no longer wish to actively participate in GSB’s mission, are permitted to cease involvement at any time by giving a letter of resignation to the Board of Directors. Board members are expected to fulfill their duties for the entirety of the term they were elected for. However, a board member who wishes to resign may not run for the same position on the board in any future elections throughout their duration as a member of GSB. Exceptions will be made if the individual garners a unanimous vote in favor of nomination to the position by the membership of GSB.

Any member of GSB may be terminated pending a two-thirds majority vote by the members of GSB in favor of termination. A member may be eligible for termination if they are found not to adhere to the goals and mission of GSB as defined in this document. All terminations must be approved by the Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Furthermore, members who are terminated may be reported to the UVA Honor Committee pending violations of the UVA Honor Code.

Board of Directors members may be impeached from their position on the Board if they are found not to be performing their duties as defined in Article IV. However, impeachment does not necessitate termination from GSB. Board members who are impeached but not terminated will serve a probationary period of two consecutive terms during which they cannot be nominated for any position on the Board of Directors.

Section 1 – Regular Meetings: The GSB should meet twice per semester to discuss department events, concerns, and further the overall GSB mission. Additional meetings may occur based on the willingness of the Board to meet. The next meeting date should be determined at the conclusion of each meeting.

Section 2 – Special Meetings: When necessary, special meetings may be called by the Executive Chair in response to extreme events in the department or UVA community that warrant a GSB response on behalf of the greater MSE/EP graduate student body. This allows the GSB to make a quick and agile response to current events.

Section 3 – Attendance of meetings: Adequate notice must be given to all GSB members before meetings. Meeting notice communications must be sent out at least one week prior to the proposed meeting date. Members of the Board of Director are expected to attend all regular meetings. The Executive Chair may excuse members on a case by case basis if necessary. GSB members must attend at least one of the regular meetings per semester.

 Section 1 – Board Positions and Duties: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for maintaining the wellbeing and values of GSB. Board members are expected to accept and complete assignments as agreed and avoid conflicts of interest when appropriate. The duties of each board position are defined below. In addition, members of the Board of Directors must adhere to all the policies and procedures defined for members throughout this document.

  • Executive Chair – The Executive Chair is responsible for organizing and planning the agenda for meetings of GSB. In addition, The Executive Chair presides over meetings, encourages all members to participate in discussion, keeps meetings on task, and ensures that decisions are made in an orderly, timely, and democratic manner. The Executive Chair oversees all the directives of GSB.
  • Vice Chair – The primary duty of the Vice Chair is to assist the Executive Chair. The Vice Chair will preside over meetings when the Executive Chair is absent, when the Executive Chair wants to debate, or when a personal motion about the Executive Chair is made. The Vice Chair will temporarily assume the duties of the Executive Chair if the Executive chair is not present or if the position of Executive Chair becomes vacant.
  • Social Chair/Treasurer – The Social Chair is responsible for the primary planning of social events hosted by GSB. As part of their duties, they will be responsible for maintaining the budget and finances of GSB.
  • Service Chair – The Service Chair is responsible for the primary planning all service efforts of GSB as well as coordinating with MSE faculty and staff for larger service initiatives. This includes outreach and open house events occurring at the departmental and engineering school wide level throughout the year.
  • Quals Chair – The primary purpose of the Quals Chair is to organize and preside over practice sessions for the oral PhD qualifying exams for MSE students. Practice exams are to be held no earlier than the end of the spring semester and will be held weekly throughout the summer months preceding the PhD qualifying exam. During practice oral exams, the Quals Chair will assume the role of Chairperson of the committee of examiners. This includes maintaining a level of difficulty of questions commensurate with the expectations of the PhD qualifying exam and ensuring that questions remain within the topic being tested.
  • Liaison to the Chair – The Liaison to the Chair is responsible for discussing student affairs with the Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The Liaison is expected to maintain anonymity of the student or students who wish to alert the Chair of MSE of an issue within the department.
  • Graduate Engineering Student Council (GESC) Representatives – The GESC Representatives are primarily responsible for coordinating and communicating all directives of GESC with GSB. GESC representatives are expected to make decisions on the behalf of GSB while maintaining the values and missions of GSB.
  • Webmaster – The Webmaster is primarily responsible for maintaining the web page of GSB. This includes consistently updating content and bulletins to reflect the current status of GSB. This individual will collaborate with the department webmaster in this role.
  • Recruitment Chair – The Recruitment Chair is primarily responsible for directives related to the recruitment of new students to the graduate programs of MSE and EP through the faculty recruitment coordinator. This responsibility is delegated by the faculty member overseeing recruitment planning.
  • Professional Development Chair – The PD Chair is responsible for organizing student activities relating to professional development. These activities include, but are not limited to: inviting speakers and/or recruiters each semester to talk to the MSE student body about career building, facilitating student participation in NanoDays outreach activities, being a liaison to other student groups in the department (ECS, MRS, CESE, etc.) and other Engineering School events, student groups, and outreach activities.
  • International Student Liaison – International Student Support Chair will be responsible for representing the interests of international students to the Graduate Student Board.  This includes facilitating international student integration into the graduate school community and working with faculty to promote international student interests.
  • Post-Doc Liaison – The Post-Doc Liaison is elected from the Post-Doctoral Researchers (PDRs) in the MSE department.  The Post-Doc Liaison provides representation for PDRs within GSB, and encourages engagement between PDRs, graduate students and undergraduate students.  The Post-Doc Liaison relays information from GSB meetings and GSB events to other PDRs in the department.
  • Undergraduate Liaison – The Undergraduate Liaison is elected from the undergraduate students in the MSE department.  The Undergraduate liaison provides representation for the undergraduate students in GSB and encourages engagement and collaboration between all students in the department.  The Undergraduate liaison relays information from GSB meetings and events to other undergraduate students in the Department.
  • Diversity & Inclusion Chair – The Diversity & Inclusion chair is responsible for coordinating & organizing student activities relating to diversity and inclusion in the department. They will be responsible for coordinating with other department & university diversity groups such as SEAD and the faculty diversity committee to organize these activities.  The activities may include but are not limited to: inviting speakers for seminars, helping to organize and encourage student participation in diversity events, and promoting events to the students from other groups focused on diversity and inclusion. 

Section 2 – Nomination and Election: Nominations for positions on the Board of Directors will be held anonymously from within the membership of GSB. Individuals may nominate themselves for any position on the board; however, an individual may not be nominated for more than two positions. An individual may remove their name from nomination of any position they do not wish to serve. Nominations will be held over a one week period concluding one week prior to elections. Elections will be held during the spring semester, no later than the second week of April. Election dates will be decided by GSB during the January meeting. Elections will be delegated to the general student bodies of MSE and EP by the Graduate Student Coordinator for MSE and EP. The Graduate Student Coordinator will tally the votes and announce the winners of each position of the board.

Section 3 – Term Periods: Each board member will serve a term of one year upon election starting in the fall semester. Upon completion of the term period, board members may be nominated for another position on the board or run for election to the same position. Individuals may serve an elected position on the board for a maximum of two consecutive terms. Exceptions for additional terms can be made pending a unanimous vote in favor of re-election by the entire membership body of GSB.

Section 4 – Vacancies: Any vacancies on the Board of Directors must be filled within two weeks of the creation of the vacancy. Qualified candidates will be recommended by members of GSB and be elected by a majority vote of the general student bodies of MSE and EP. Elected members of a vacancy will conclude the remainder of the term created by the vacancy.

These bylaws may be amended when necessary by two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors. Proposed amendments can be submitted by any member of GSB and must be submitted to the Executive Chair to be discussed at meetings of GSB.

Amendment I – No students may run for a position or serve on the Board of Directors while on academic probation. Students who go on academic probation while serving as a member of the Board of Directors will be relieved of their duties on the Board of Directors for the duration of their term. An interim member of the Board of Directors will be chosen by GSB pending a two-thirds majority vote. Students on academic probation will still be allowed to contribute during Regular Meetings of GSB.

Important Tools and Guidelines

This section serves as a repository for the latest forms and guidelines required by the department for different theses milestones.

The qualifying exam occurs before the end of your second year as a PhD Graduate student in MSE. The exam begins in August and ends in September. It consists of two parts: a written document and a oral examination conducted by a committee of four Professors. The late spring and summer before the exams are the best time to start studying. GSB (the Graduate Student Board for MSE) usually hosts practice qualifications to practice the oral component in front of a group of your peers. GSB also provides more resources in the form of a UVA collab page. Most importantly the exam is taken without ANY outside help.

More guidance is provided here.

1) Establish your committee

a) Your Research advisor

b) One UVA faculty member from outside the MSE department

c) Three other committee members, typically from the MSE department, or one external topical expert

i. If you get an external member, they will need to supply their resume/CV.

d)  One person needs to be assigned to be the chair of your committee (NOT YOUR ADVISOR). They will introduce you, and will run the Zoom meeting. 

2) Get your committee approved (administrative staff can assist)

a. Find form at: under Forms, Doctoral Advisory Committee

3) Agree on a time and format (in person/virtual) with your committee for your presentation

4) If you need a room, work with MSE administrative staff and your advisor (currently Tonya Renyolds or Bryana Amador) to schedule a room

5) 2 Weeks in Advance: Email the graduate student coordinator or MSE administrative staff (currently Bryana Amador)  with the title of your talk, your committee members, location/Zoom link and an abstract. Example below

6) 1 week in Advance: Make sure the announcement is sent out

7) 1 day in Advance: A reminder announcement should be sent out


Department of Materials Science and Engineering

PhD Proposal Presentation




To:                          All Interested Faculty, Students, and Research Scientists

Announcing:        PhD Proposal Presentation by Your Name





Committee:          Person 1 (chair), Person 2, Person 3, Person 4, Elizabeth Opila




Your Title




Authored by: Katie Detwiler

October 15, 2021




A. Objectives

The objective of the PhD research proposal is to provide an early opportunity for the PhD thesis committee, research advisor, and PhD candidate to review the proposed research for the purposes of ensuring that:

  1. A scientific/engineering question has been identified which will advance the state of knowledge
  2. Appropriate techniques are identified to address the research questioN
  3. An appropriate depth and breadth of scientific/engineering rigor will be explored
  4. The amount of research proposed can be completed to enable successful PhD completion five years from entering the program (four if entering with a Master’s degree)


B. Timeline

  1. The proposal should be completed within six months from successful completion of the PhD qualifying exam.  The timeline entails:
  2. PhD candidate and research advisor identify members of the thesis committee and ensure they are available at the planned date of the proposal presentation
    • The thesis committee is typically composed of five members including
      • the research advisor
      • one UVA SEAS faculty member from outside the MSE department
      • three other committee members, typically from the MSE department, or one external topical expert
  3. Proposal document (Part C below) is provided to the committee one week before proposal presentation
  4. Proposal presentation and examination is described in Part D below
  5. If the proposal is not completed within six months of successful completion of the PhD qualifying exam, the graduate student coordinator contacts both the PhD candidate and the research advisor to establish a date for the proposal and to identify/remedy any significant issues that prevent successful completion of the PhD research proposal within one year of successful completion of the PhD qualifying exam


C. Document

  1. The proposal document should contain:
    • A concise statement of the scientific/engineering question and the current state of knowledge from a review of the literature
    • Preliminary work completed towards the PhD dissertation demonstrating success of research approach
    • Proposed research planned for completion of PhD dissertation
    • A timeline for completion of research objectives and defense
  2. The proposal document shall be double spaced and approximately thirty pages (similar to typical proposals faculty submit to funding agencies, e.g. 15 pages single spaced).


D. Presentation and follow-up

  1. A forty minute presentation will be made which addresses the same four points outlined for the proposal document in Section C
  2. The proposal presentation and examination is open to all interested parties
  3. Each committee member asks 15 to 20 minutes of questions based on the proposal document and presentation to  ensure the objectives stated in Section A can be met
  4. The committee provides advice to the PhD candidate for successful completion of the dissertation
  5. The PhD candidate is strongly encouraged to meet with their committee informally through the course of the completion of their dissertation for continued advice

Authored by: Dr. Elizabeth Opila

May 15, 2017