Staff and Researchers


Bryana Amador

Bryana Amador

Student Services Generalist
Assists graduate students with enrollment, milestones, graduation, and funding.
Peter Chege

Peter Chege

Building Manager
Claire Culver

Claire Culver

Undergraduate Student Coordinator
Tanner Fitzgerald

Tanner Fitzgerald


Ig Jakovac

Information Technology
Jamia Nixon

Jamia Nixon

Senior Administrative Coordinator
Jeannie Reese

Jean (Jeannie) Vining Reese

Director of Operations
Administrative and human resources management. Recipient of the University of Virginia 1996 Outstanding Contribution Award and the School of Engineering and Applied Science 2013 Distinguished Service Award.
Tonya Reynolds

Tonya Reynolds

Senior Administrative Assistant


Catherine Dukes

Catherine Dukes

Office: Jesser Hall 149
Catherine A. Dukes is a Research Scientist in the Department of Materials Science at UVA, where she directs the Laboratory for Astrophysics and Surface Physics (LASP-UVa) and is the NMCF principal scientist for XPS, XRF, and FTIR analyses. Her research program focuses on the interaction of radiation (ions, photons, & electrons) with surfaces of solid materials and condensed gases, with a focus on laboratory planetary science.