Find the form you need below, and click to view instructions and a link to submit the form.

  • Students should only fill out one form per action. Do not fill out multiple copies of a form for the same action unless the previous form has been voided or declined.
  • Check out our FAQ for questions about graduate engineering DocuSign forms.
  • For more information or questions about which form to use, please contact your program's Graduate Coordinator or Graduate Director.
  • For policies related to UVA Engineering and graduate forms, please consult the University Records.

Course and Enrollment Forms

  • Course Action Form

    Make course schedule changes that cannot be made using SIS (e.g. overload enrolling in >15 credits, enrolling in an undergraduate-level course, auditing a course, enrolling in a course you can't enroll in yourself)

  • Change Course Load to Part- or Full-Time Enrollment

    Change enrollment status by switching from or to full- or part-time.

    International students requesting part-time enrollment must first contact the ISO and complete the ISO's Reduced Course Load (RCL) form before completing the SEAS Change Course Load form.

  • Requirement Exception or Waiver

    Request an exception or waiver to UVA Engineering graduate degree or certificate academic requirements. Includes request for Ph.D. students who transfer to UVA with their advisor to increase the max credits they can transfer.

  • Petition for Requirement Change to the Graduate Studies Committee

    Some changes to UVA Engineering graduate degree or certificate academic requirements must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee. Use this form to petition the committee.

Ph.D. Academic Requirements Forms

These forms are used to complete Ph.D. academic requirements or milestones for doctoral students.

Ph.D. Committee Appointment

This form is for appointing or making changes to a Ph.D. committee, including the Ph.D. advisory committee, Ph.D. qualifying exam committee, Ph.D. dissertation proposal committee, and Ph.D. dissertation defense committee. Committee appointments or changes must be approved at least two weeks before an event for which the committee is needed.

Ph.D. Qualifying Exam

The Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Form includes required documentation of your Ph.D. qualifying exam as well as a program-specific qualifying exam assessment.

You must submit both a Report of Ph.D. Qualifying Exam form and your program-specific qualifying exam form.

Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal

The Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Form includes required documentation of your Ph.D. dissertation proposal as well as a dissertation proposal assessment.

You must submit both a Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal and Admission to Candidacy form and a Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Assement form.

Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

The Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Form includes required documentation of your Ph.D. dissertation defense as well as a dissertation defense assessment form.

You must submit both a Report on Ph.D. Dissertation Final Examination form and a Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Assessment form.

Dissertation Cover and Approval Pages

Click the link below to access the School's official cover and approval pages, which include the dean’s signature, to be completed at the dissertation defense or after required corrections are complete. No faculty or committee signatures are needed for these pages which become the first two pages of the dissertation. Download the form to your desktop to enter information.

Dissertation and Thesis Embargo

When necessary, students may request to place an embargo on an M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation. The embargo request must be fully approved before the student uploads their electronic thesis or dissertation to Libra.

M.S. Academic Requirements Forms

These forms are used to complete M.S. academic requirements or milestones for master's of science students.

M.S. Committee Appointment

This form is required for all master's of science students for appointing or making changes to an M.S. committee, including the M.S. thesis defense committee. Committee appointments or changes must be approved at least two weeks before an event for which the committee is needed.

M.S. Thesis Defense

The M.S. Thesis Defense Form includes required documentation of your M.S. thesis defense as well as a thesis defense assessment.

You must submit both a Report on M.S. Thesis Defense Final Examination form and a M.S. Thesis Defense Assessment form.

Thesis Cover and Approval Pages

Click the link below to access the School's official cover and approval pages, which include the dean’s signature, to be completed at the thesis defense or after required corrections are complete. No faculty or committee signatures are needed for these pages which become the first two pages of the thesis. Download the form to your desktop to enter information.

Transfer Credits

  • Request approval of external transfer credits taken outside UVA

    Request approval to transfer credits/courses to your current UVA Engineering graduate academic plan taken outside UVA. Transfer credits cannot have been used toward conferring another degree. Students must submit separate forms for each course they want to transfer.

  • Internal transfer of UVA graduate-level courses to graduate career

    Students who wish to request use of UVA Engineering graduate-level (5000 or above) courses taken while a UVA undergraduate student should use the internal transfer form. These courses cannot have been used toward conferring the bachelor's degree.

Program Assessment Forms for M.E., M.C.S., and M.M.S.E. Students

Program assessment forms are required for all non-thesis master's students, and are usually completed in the final semester of enrollment.

Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) Exception Requests

Graduate Coordinators may request to appoint a student as a Graduate Teaching Assistant who does not meet the full qualifications by completing a GTA exception form on the student's behalf. Graduate students may not make such exception requests on their own.