KEVION Test Chamber

UHV TEST Chamber for Instrument Development & Testing

This minimally-instrumented, mu-metal-lined UHV chamber is optimized for instrument response testing over varied ion species/energies, and consists of a 14” diameter cylindrical body with multiple ConFlat ports of varied size.  A dry-pumping system, consisting of an ion pump and sublimation pump, maintain pressures of 1 x 10-10 Torr measured via an ionization/convectron gauge combination. A goniometer is mounted to the side flange on an 8” port, which rotates about the chamber center position, and can be used for manipulating instrumentation in situ. The mu-metal magnetic shielding makes this chamber a unique tool for emitted low-energy (eV) electron or ion energy analysis.

UHV Test Chamber

Available December 2024.