Noah Jäggi and Catherine A. Dukes,"Magnesium sulfide powder analyzed by XPS," Surf. Sci. Spectra 32 (1): 014001 (2025)
C.K. Shearer, F.M. McCubbin, H.H. Schmitt, S. Eckley, R.A. Zeigler, J. Gross, J. Mitchell, S.B. Simon, A. Meshik, F. McDonald, C. Krysher, R.V. Morris, M. Neuman, K. Wang, B.L. Jolliff, K. Joy, Z. Sharp, M. Cato, A. Gargano, A. Mosie, J. Allton, C. Amick, C. Dukes, R. Parai, J. Simon, J.J. Barnes, M. Dyar, K. Burgess, N. Petro, N.M. Curran, J.E. Elsila, J. Gillis-Davis, A. Sehlke, D. Sears, B. Cohen, O. Pravdivseva, M.S. Thompson, C.R. Neal, P. Lucey, L. Sun, R. Hanna, R. Ketcham, and the ANGSA science team, “Apollo Next Generation Sample analysis (ANGSA): An Apollo participating scientist program to prepare the lunar sample community for Artemis,” Space Sci Rev 220, 62 (2024)
K.B. Stelmach, C.A. Dukes, and R.T. Garrod, "A Search for Chirality in Hydrogenated Magnesium Nanosilicates: A DFT and TD-DFT Investigation," Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 128, 18, 3475–3494, (2024)
P. Riccardi & C.A. Dukes,”Electron correlation effects in electron promotion processes during binary atomic collisions at solid surfaces,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, Volume 554, 165458 (2024)
D. Laczniak, M. Thompson, R. Christoffersen, C. Dukes, R. Morris, and L. Keller, “Investigating the role of incident ion flux in solar wind space weathering of carbon-rich asteroidal regolith via H+ and He+ irradiation of the Murchison meteorite" Icarus, Volume 410, 115883 (2024)
P. Riccardi and C.A. Dukes, “Spectra of Low Energy Electrons Emitted in the Interaction of Slow Ne+ Ions with Mg Surfaces.” Surfaces, 6, 257-267 (2023)
C. Bu, L.S. Morrissey, B.C. Bostick, M.H. Burger, K. P. Bowen, S.N. Chillrud, D.L. Domingue, C.A. Dukes, D.S. Ebel, G.E. Harlow, P-M. Hillenbrand, D.A. Ivanov, R.M. Killen, J.M. Ross, D. Schury, O. J. Tucker, X. Urbain, R. Zhang, and D. W. Savin, “Absolute Doubly Differential Angular Sputtering Yields for 20 keV Kr+ on Polycrystalline Cu,” J. Appl. Phys. 21; 135 (3): 035302 (2024)
Z. Sun, Z. Baraissov, C.A. Dukes, D. K. Dare, T. Oseroff, M. O. Thompson, D. A. Muller, M. U. Liepe, “Surface oxides, carbides, and impurities on RF superconducting Nb and Nb3Sn: A comprehensive analysis,” Supercond. Sci. Technol.36 115030 (2023) DOI 10.1088/1361-6668/acff23
L. C. Chaves, M.S. Thompson, M. J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, P.S .Szabo, B.H. Horgan, “Evaluating the effects of space weathering on magnetite on airless planetary bodies,” Icarus, 402, 115634 (2023)
F. Leblanc, R. Deborde, D. Tramontina, E. Bringa, J.Y. Chaufray, S. Aizawa, R. Modolo, L. Morrissey, A. Woodson, S. Verkercke, C. Dukes. On the origins of backscattered solar wind energetic neutral hydrogen from the Moon and Mercury, Planetary and Space Science, 229, 105660 (2023)
L. Chaves, M. Thompson, B. Horgan, C. Dukes, M. Loeffler, Investigating the Response of Sulfides and Fe- Oxides Under Space Weathering Conditions Through the Analysis of Returned and Experimental Samples, Microscopy & Microanalysis, 28, S1, 2698–2699 (2022)
P. Riccardi & C.A. Dukes, Excitation of the triplet 2p4(3P)3s2 autoionizing state of Neon by molecular orbital electron promotion at solid surfaces, Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 798, 139610 (2022)
P. Riccardi & C.A. Dukes, 2p excitation in target atoms in the interaction of slow ions with Al surfaces, Surface Science 719 (2022) 122025
P. Riccardi & C.A. Dukes, Effects of the solid target on electronic excitations during binary atomic collisions, Vacuum, 204, , 111393 (2022) the Response of Sulfides and Fe-oxides under Space Weathering COnditions through the Analysis of returned and Experimental Samples," L. Chaves, M.Thompson, B.Horgan, C.Dukes, and M. Loeffler, Microscopy & Microanalysis, submitted (February 2022)
"Excitation of the Triplet 2p4(3P)3s2 Autoionizing State of Neon by Molecular Orbital Electron Promotion at Solid Surfaces," P. Riccardi & C.A. Dukes, Chemical Physics Letters, submitted (February 2022)
"Effects of the solid target on electronic excitations during binary atomic collisions," P. Riccardi & C.A. Dukes, Vacuum, submitted (2022)
"2p excitation in target atoms in the interaction of slow ions with Al surfaces," P. Riccardi & C.A. Dukes, Surface Science 719, 122025 (2022)
"Space Weathering Effects in Troilite by Simulated Solar-Wind Hydrogen and Helium Ion Irradiation," Christoph, J. M., Minesinger, G. M., Bu, C., Dukes, C. A., and Elkins-Tanton, L. T., JGR-Planets - accepted (2022)
"Characterizing Spectral, Microstructural, and Chemical Effects of Solar- Wind Irradiation on Carbon-Rich Asteroids: Coordinated Analysis of H+ and He+-irradiated Murchison carbonaceous chondrite," D. Laczniak, Thompson, M., Christoffersen, R., Dukes, C. A., Clemett, S., Morris, R., & Keller, L., Icarus 364, 114479, (2021)
"Solar Contributions to Earth’s oceans" L. Daly, M. R. Lee, L. J. Hallis, H. A. Ishii, J. P. Bradley, P. A. Bland, D. W. Saxey, D. Fougerouse, W. D. A. Rickard, L. V. Forman, N. E. Timms, F. Jourdan, S. M. Reddy, T. Salge, Z. Quadir, E. V. Christou, M. A. Cox, J. Aguiar, K. Hattar, A. Monterrosa, L. P. Keller, R. Christoffersen, C. A. Dukes, M. J. Loeffler and M. S. Thompson, Nature Astronomy 5, 1275–1285 HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1038/S41550-021-01487-W (2021)
"Investigating Space Weathering Effects Using Coordinated Analysis of a H - and He -Irradiated Carbonaceous Chondrite, Microscopy and Microanalysis," Laczniak, D., Thompson, M., Dukes, C.," Morris, R., Clemett, S., Keller, L., & Christoffersen, R., 26(S2), 2598-2601(2020)
"Characterization of band offsets in AlxIn1-xAsySb1-y alloys with varying Al composition, Applied Physics Letters 115, 12;" J. Zheng, A. H. Jones, Y. Tan, A. K. Rockwell, S. March, S. Z. Ahmed, C. A. Dukes, A.W. Ghosh, S. R. Bank, J. C. DOI: 10.1063/1.5107516 (2019)
"Stability of Hydrated Carbonates on Ceres, Icarus 320, 136-149," C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, C.A. Dukes, O. Ruesch, L.A. McFadden, & J-Y. Li, HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.ICARUS.2017.12.036 (2019)
"Search for Sulfates on the Surface of Ceres, Meteor. Planet. Sci. 9, 1946-1960," C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, C.A. Dukes, O. Ruesch, L.A. McFadden, & J-Y Li, DOI: 10.1111/maps.13024 (2018)
"Solar wind sputtering rates of small bodies and ion mass spectrometry detection of secondary ions, JGR: Planets," M.J. Schaible, C.A. Dukes, A.C. Hutcherson, P. Lee, M.R. Collier, R.E. Johnson, 122, 1968–1983 (2017)
"Contribution of Surface Processes to the Lunar Exosphere: Laboratory Experiments, in Encyclopedia of Lunar Science, Springer International," C.A. Dukes and R.E. Johnson, ed. B. Cudnik, 1 - 7 (2017) doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05546-6_96-1
"Spontaneous cracking of amorphous solid water (ASW) films and the dependence on micro-porosity," C. Bu, C. A. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, App. Phys. Lett 109, 201902 (2016) HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.1063/1.4967789.
"Effects of Cracking on the Surface Potential of Icy Grains in Saturn’s E-ring: Laboratory Studies," C. Bu, D. Bahr, C. A. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, ApJ 825.2: 106 (2016) doi:10.3847/0004-637X/825/2/106
"Sampling the Moon, Science 351,6270, 232-233 (Invited Perspective) (2016)" C. A. Dukes and D. Hurley, DOI:10.1126/science.aad8245
"Evidence for charge exchange effects in electronic excitations in Al by slow singly charged He ions," P. Riccardi, A. Sindona, C.A. Dukes, NIM B 382, 7-10 (2016) DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.NIMB.2016.04.039
"Double electron excitation in He ions interacting with an aluminum surface, Physical Review A," P. Riccardi, A. Sindona, C.A. Dukes, A 93:042710 (2016)
"Space Weathering of Silicates Simulated by Laser Irradiation, Meteoritics and Planetary Science (2016)," M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, R. Christoffersen and R.A. Baragiola, doi: 10.1111/maps.12581
"Electron emission and electronic stopping in the interaction of slow helium ions with aluminum," P. Riccardi, R. Baragiola, and C. Dukes, Phys. Rev. B 92, 4, 045425 (2015) doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.045425
"The Lunar Exosphere-Surface Connection: Measurements of Secondary Ions from Apollo," C. A. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, Icarus 255, 51 - 57 (2015). DOI:10.1016/J.ICARUS.2014.11.032
"Secondary electron emission from lunar soil: yields, energy distribution and charging effects," C. A. Dukes & R. A. Baragiola, Planet. Space Sci. 89, 36-41 (2013) DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.PSS.2013.04.011
"Paucity of Tagish Lake-like parent bodies in the Asteroid Belt and among Jupiter Trojans," P. Vernazza, D. Fulvio, R. Brunetto, J. P. Emery, C. A. Dukes, F. Cipriani, O. Witasse, M. J. Schaible, B., Zanda, G. Strazzulla, R. A. Baragiola, Icarus 225, 1, 517-525 (2013) 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.04.019
"Ultraviolet photodesorption driver for water migration on the lunar surface," E. H. Mitchell, U. Raut, D. Fulvio, M. J. Schaible, C. A. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, PSS 89, 42-46 (2013) DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.PSS.2013.02.002
"Ozone generation by rock fracture: earthquake early warning?," R . A . Baragiola, C.A. Dukes & D. Hedges, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 204101 (2011) .DOI.ORG/10.1063/1.3660763
"Laboratory studies on the sputtering contribution to the sodium atmospheres of Mercury and the Moon," C.A. Dukes, W.Y. Chang, M. Famá, and R. Baragiola, Icarus, 212, 2, p. 463-469 (2011) 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.01.027
"Radiation-Enhanced Aqueous Dissolution of Minerals, MRS Proceedings," C.A. Dukes & R. A. Baragiola, 1298: mrsf10-1298-r04-05 (2011) HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.1557/OPL.2011.250
"Solar Wind Contribution to Surficial Lunar Water: Laboratory Investigations," D.J. Burke, C.A. Dukes, J.-H. Kim, J. Shi, M. Famá and R.A. Baragiola, Icarus 211, 2, 1082-1088 (2010)
"Plasma source for in situ removal of hydrocarbon contamination from surfaces," C. Dukes and R. Baragiola, Surf. Interface Anal. 42, 40-44 (2010)
"Secondary electron emission spectra from clean and cesiated Al surfaces: the role of plasmon decay and data analysis for applications," P. Riccardi, M. Pisarra, A. Cupolillo, M. Commisso, A. Sindona, R. Baragiola, and C. Dukes, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 305004 (2010)
"Role of Plasmon Decay in Secondary Electron Emission from Clean and Cesiated Al Surfaces," P. Riccardi, A. Cupolillo, M. Commisso, A. Sindona, R. Baragiola, and C. Dukes, Phys. Rev. B 2 Dec. (2009)
"Irradiation of olivine by 4 keV He+: Simulation of space weathering by the solar wind," M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, and R.A. Baragiola, J. Geophys. Res., 114, E030003 (2009)
"Aqueous depletion of Mg from olivine surfaces enhanced by ion irradiation," E.D. Cantando, C.A. Dukes, M.J. Loeffler, and R.A. Baragiola, J. Geophys. Research, 113, E09011 (2008)
"Laboratory simulations of sulfur depletion at Eros," M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, W.Y. Chang, L.A. McFadden, and R.A. Baragiola, Icarus, 195, 622-629 (2008)
"Effects of ion and micrometeorite bombardment on mineral surfaces: application to Eros, the Moon, and Mercury, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society," R.A. Baragiola, M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, W-Y Chang, J..M. Fitz-Gerald, L.A. McFadden, Vol. 36, p.1131 (2004)
"Generation of Na atmospheres by Sputtering and Thermal Desorption, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society," R.A. Baragiola, C.A. Atteberry, C.A. Dukes, M. Fama, B.D. Teolis, Vol. 33, p.1153 (2001)
"Search for the plasmon in condensed water," C. D. Wilson, C. A. Dukes, and R. A. Baragiola, Phys. Rev. B63, 121101-1 (2001)
"Plasmon excitation in ion-solid interactions," R.A. Baragiola, C.A. Dukes, P. Riccardi, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res., B182, 73 (2001)
"Surface modification of olivine by H+ and He+ bombardment," C. A. Dukes, R. A. Baragiola, and L.A. McFadden, J. Geo.Res. 104, E1, 1865 (1999)
" Mechanisms for ion-induced plasmon excitation in metals," R.A. Baragiola, S.M. Ritzau, R.C. Monreal, C.A. Dukes, and P. Riccardi, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B157,110 (1999)
"Fast proton-induced electron emission from rare- gas solids and electrostatic charging effects," R.A. Baragiola, M. Shi, R.A. Vidal, and C.A. Dukes, Phys. Rev. B58, 19, 13 212 (1998)
"Plasmon-assisted electron emission from Al and Mg surfaces by slow ions," R.A. Baragiola and C.A. Dukes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 2547 (1996)
"A lead/proportional-tube electromagnetic calorimeter for direct photon detection," L. Camilleri et al, Nucl Instrum Methods A286, 49 (1990)
N. Jäggi, A. Mutzke, A. K. Woodson, and C. A. Dukes, “Solar Wind Interaction with Mercury’s Sulfides,” 56th DPS, Boise Idaho, Abst#XXX, Oct. (2024)
A. K. Woodson, C. Morel, N. Jäggi, and C. A. Dukes, “Sputter-removal of adsorbed sodium from granular Mercury regolith analogs,” 56th DPS, Boise Idaho, Abst#XXX, Oct. (2024)
C.A. Dukes, A. K. Woodson, J. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, R. E. Johnson, J. Ihlefeld, R. Garrod, L. I. Cleeves, and P. Reinke, “ KEVION: An Ion Irradiation Facility for Transformative Research in Space Science at the University of Virginia,” 56th DPS, Boise Idaho, Abst#197, Oct. (2024)
C. Bu, L. S. Morrissey, B. C. Bostick, M. H. Burger, K. P. Bowen, S. N. Chillrud, D. L. Domingue, C. A. Dukes, D. S. Ebel, G. E. Harlow, P.-M. Hillenbrand, D. A. Ivanov, R. M. Killen, J. Ross, D. Schury, O. J. Tucker, X. Urbain, R. Zhang, and D. W. Savin,” Measurements of Absolute Doubly Differential Angular Sputtering Yields for Applications on Airless Planetary Bodies,” 56th DPS, Boise Idaho, Abst#XXX, Oct. (2024)
C.A. Dukes, A. K. Woodson, R. E. Johnson, J. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, J. Ihlefeld, P. Reinke, R. T. Garrod, L. I. Cleeves, “Ion Irradiation and Sample Analysis at UVa's KEVION Facility,” 55th LPSC, March 11-15, The Woodlands, TX, ID# 1729 (2024)
K.B. Stelmach, C.A. Dukes, R.T. Garrod, " Computational Quantum Chemistry as a Tool for Understanding the Cosmic Connection to the Origin of Life," UVa Data Analytics Center (DAC) Research Computing Exhibition, April 23, (2024)
M. S. Thompson, L. P. Keller, Z. Gainsforth, C. J. Snead, C. A. Dukes, B. Rizk, E. Cloutis, E.H. Blumenfeld, J. E. Aebersold , H. C. Connolly Jr. and D. S. Lauretta, “EVALUATION OF OSIRIS-REx CONTACT PAD SAMPLERS FOR BENNU SURFACE REGOLITH PARTICLES,” 55th LPSC Abstract 1220 (2024)
Jäggi N., Morel C. M., Mutzke A., Woodson A. K., & Dukes C. A., “Defect-Mediated Diffusion in Mercury's Regolith Sulfides,” 55th LPSC Abstract #1306 (2024)
Christoph J. M., Dukes C. A., & McCoy T. J. “Effect of Solar Wind Space Weathering on Phosphorus Redox on Metal-Rich Asteroids,” 55th LPSC Abstract #2418 (2024)
Woodson A. K., Dukes C. A., Morel C., & Jäggi N., “Solar Wind Ion Sputtering of Adsorbed Sodium from Mercury Regolith” 55th LPSC Abstract #2715 (2024)
K. B. Stelmach, C.A. Dukes, and R.T. Garrod, “Chiral Enstatite Nanostructures and their Potential Relevance to Homochirality: DFT and TD-DFT Calculations,” AbSciCon 2024, 5-10 May, Providence, RI, ID#XXXXX (2024)
K.B. Stelmach, C.A. Dukes, R.T. Garrod, "Life’s Cosmic Handshake: Symmetry Breaking in Enstatite Nanosilicates," Fall AGU23 ID# 1415760 (2023)
A.K. Woodson, C.A. Dukes, C. Morel, & N. Jaeggi, “Solar Wind Ion Sputtering of Sodium Vapor Deposited on Mercury Regolith Analogs,” AGU, San Francisco, Dec. 11-15, ID# 1410746 (2023)
A. K. Woodson, C. A. Dukes, J. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, J. Ihlefeld, R. E. Johnson, “The KiloElectron Volt ION (KEVION) Irradiation Facility for Space Science: a new NASA Planetary Science Enabling Facility at the University of Virginia,” AGU, San Francisco, Dec. 11-15, ID# 1430643 (2023)
N. Jäggi, A. Mutzke, H. Biber, P. S. Szabo, J. Brötzner, F. Aumayr, K. Mezger, P. Wurz, A. Galli, A. Woodson, C. Dukes, "SpuBase: Solar Wind Ion Sputtering Yields of Major Rock-forming Minerals for Exosphere Models," AGU, San Francisco, Dec. 11-15, ID# 1300294 (2023)
C. A. Dukes, A. K. Woodson, J. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, J. Ihlefeld, R. E. Johnson, “KEVION: A Kilo-Electron-Volt Ion irradiatiON Facility for Space Science, ExMAG Spring 2023 Meeting (Invited Presentation), Aug. 1–3 (2023)
L. C. Chaves, M. S. Thompson, C. A. Dukes, M. J. Loeffler, B. Horgan, P. S. Szabo, N. L. Smith, and K. D. Ardrey, Evaluating the Effects of Space Weathering on Asteroidal Accessory Phases: Magnetite and Pentlandite, 54th LPSC Abstract# 1804 (2023)
K.B. Stelmach, C.A. Dukes, & R.T. Garrod, LIFE’S COSMIC HANDSHAKE: DFT AND TD-DFT PREDICTIONS FOR THE PROPERTIES OF ENSTATITE (MgSiO3) MONOMERS AND DIMERS,76th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, June 19-23, Urbana, Il , #P7017 (2023)
L.C. Chaves, Thompson M.S., Horgan B., Dukes C.A., Loeffler M.J. 2022. Space Weathering of Magnetite Simulated by Pulsed Laser and Ion Irradiation Experiments. Abstract #6322. 85th Meteoritical Society Conference.
L. Chaves, M. Thompson, B. Horgan, C. Dukes, & M. Loeffler, Simulating Space Weathering on Magnetite via Pulsed Laser and Ion Irradiation Experiments, 23rd General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 18 - 22 July 2022 Lyon, France, id: IMA2022-1744 (2022)
L. Chaves, M. Thompson, B. Horgan, C. Dukes, and M. Loeffler, Investigating the response of sulfides and Fe- oxides under space weathering conditions through the analysis of returned and experimental samples, Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference (2022)
C. A. Dukes, K. B. Stelmach, A. K. Woodson, L. Ziamanesh, J. Oraegbu, R. V. Morris, L. P. Keller, R. Christoffersen, C. K. Shearer, and the ANGSA Science Team, Stratigraphic Variation in Grain Surface Chemistry within Apollo Core Sample 73002 using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, 53rd LPSC Abstract# 2935 (2022)
A.K. Woodson and C.A. Dukes, Characterizing regolith roughness for parameterization of laboratory desorption and sputtering measurements, 53rd LPSC Abstract# XXXX (2022)
D. L. Laczniak, M. S. Thompson, R. Christoffersen, C.A. Dukes, R. V. Morris, and L. P. Keller, Understanding the role of ion flux in solar wind space weathering: low flux H+ and He+ irradiation of the Murchison meteorite, 53rd LPSC Abstract# XXXX (2022)
L. C. Chaves, M. S. Thompson, B. N. Horgan, C. A. Dukes, M. J. Loeffler, L. Honts, and B. Richards, Understanding the effects of space weathering on magnetite through experimental simulations, 53rd LPSC Abstract# XXXX (2022)"Stratigraphic Variation in Grain Surface Chemistry within Apollo Core Sample 73002 using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy," C. A. Dukes, K. B. Stelmach, A. K. Woodson, L. Ziamanesh, J. Oraegbu, R. V. Morris, L. P. Keller, R. Christoffersen, C. K. Shearer, and the ANGSA Science Team, 53rd LPSC Abstract# 2935 (2022)
"Characterizing regolith roughness for parameterization of laboratory desorption and sputtering measurements," A.K. Woodson and C.A. Dukes, 53rd LPSC Abstract# XXXX (2022)
"Understanding the role of ion flux in solar wind space weathering: low flux H+ and He+ irradiation of the Murchison meteorite," D. L. Laczniak, M. S. Thompson, R. Christoffersen, C.A. Dukes, R. V. Morris, and L. P. Keller, 53rd LPSC Abstract# XXXX (2022)
"Understanding the Space Weathering of Returned Samples through Coordinated Analysis. Royal Astronomical Society Meeting Conference on the Analysis of Returned Extraterrestrial Samples (2021)" Thompson, M. S., Laczniak, D. L., Morris, R. V., Clemett, S. J., Loeffler, M. J., Dukes, C. A., Trang, D., Keller, L. P., and Christoffersen, R.
"Investigating space weathering effects on carbonaceous asteroids using high-flux and low-flux ion irradiation of the Murchison meteorite. Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting, Aug 1-6 (2021)" Laczniak, D.L., Thompson, M.S., Christoffersen, R., Dukes, C.A., Clemett, S.J., Morris, R.V., Keller, L.P., 27(S1), 2538-2541, (2021)
"Surface Oxides on Nb and Nb3Sn Surfaces: Toward a Deeper Understanding, 2021 International Conference RF Superconductivity, 28 June - 2 July 2021, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams; (2021)" Z. Sun, M. U. Liepe, T. Oseroff, R. D. Porter, T. Arias, Z. Baraissov, D. Muller, N. Sitaraman, D. Johnson-McDaniel, M. Salim, and C. Dukes,
"Micro-FTIR Imaging and Spectroscopy of Experimentally Space-Weathered CM Chondrite Murchison," Glotch T. D., Thompson M. S., Dukes C. A., Loeffler M. J., "52nd LPSC Abst# 1458 (2021)
"Understanding Space Weathering of Carbonaceous Asteroids through H+ and He+ Ion Irradiation of the Murchison Meteorite," D. L. Laczniak, M. S. Thompson, R. Christoffersen, C. A. Dukes, S. J. Clemett, R. V. Morris, and L. P. Keller, 52nd LPSC Abst# 2361 (2021)
" Modeling the Effect of Solar Ion Irradiation of Troilite with SDTrimSP – Implications for (16) Psyche," G.M. Minesinger, J.M. Christoph, C.A. Dukes, C. Bu, and L.T. Elkins-Tanton, 52nd LPSC Abst# 2534 (2021)
"Laboratory Simulations of Troilite Space Weathering by Solar Wind Ion Iradiation: Surface, Composition, and Spectral Effects," J. M. Christoph, C. Bu, G.M. Minesinger, C.A. Dukes, and L. T. Elkins-Tanton, 52nd LPSC Abst# 2715 (2021)
"Adsorption of Tyrosine and Glutamic Acid to the Chiral (101) Face of Quartz: An XPS Study," K.B. Stelmach, C.A. Dukes, and R.T. Garrod, 52nd LPSC Abst# 2685 (2021)
"Simulation-Derived Thermal Diffusion Parameters in Temperature-Dependent Depletion of Potassium Adsorbed on Magnetite," G. O. Killian, C.A. Dukes and C.Bu, 52nd LPSC Abst# 2776 (2021)
"Understanding the Space Weathering of Returned Samples through Coordinated Analysis," M.S. Thompson, D.L. Laczniak, M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, S.J. Clemett, R.V. Morris, T.D. Glotch, R. Christoffersen, L.P. Keller, Goldschmidt2021 • Lyon, France • 4 - 9 July (2021)
" Investigating Space Weathering Effects on Carbonaceous Asteroids Using High-flux and Low-flux Ion Irradiation of the Murchison Meteorite," D.L. Laczniak, M. S. Thompson, R. Christoffersen, C.A. Dukes, S. J. Clemett, R.V. Morris, and L.P. Keller, Microscopy & Microanalysis 2021• Pittsburgh, PA (2021)
" Using the Solar Wind to Determine the Origins of Phobos and Deimos: Secondary Ion Sputtering Estimates," M.J. Schaible, C. A. Dukes, M. Sarantos, R. E. Johnson, AGU Abstract (2020)
"Preparing for C-complex asteroid sample return: Investigating space weathering effects using coordinated analysis of a He+ and H+ irradiated carbonaceous chondrite," D. L. Laczniak, M. S. Thompson, C. A. Dukes, R. V. Morris, S. J. Clemett, L.P. Keller, and R. Christoffersen, 51st LPSC, Abst#2667 (2020)
"The role of solar wind hydrogen in space weathering: Insights from laboratory-irradiated Northwest Africa 12008," M. L. Shusterman, T. G. Sharp, M. S. Robinson, Z. Rahman, L. P. Keller, C. A. Dukes, C. Bu and M. A. Roldan, 51st LPSC Abst#2704 (2020)
"Solar wind soft X-ray effects on Ceres’ bright carbonate deposits: Laboratory studies," C. Bu, G. Rodriguez-Lopez and C.A. Dukes, 51st LPSC Abst#2871 (2020)
"The Effects of Space Weathering on the Orginaic and Inorganic Compounds of a Carbonaceous Chondrite: Implications for Returned Samples from Hayabusa2 and Osiris-Rex," M.S. Thompson, D.L. Laczniak, R.V. Morris, S.J. Clemett, M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, D. Trang, L.P. Keller, R. Christoffersen and D.G. Agresti, Asteroid Science in the Age of OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa2, Nov., Tucson, AZ (2019)
"Coordinated Analysis of an Ion Irradiated Carbonaceous Chondrite, 82nd Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society," Laczniak, D. L., Thompson, M. S., Dukes, C. A., Morris, R. V., Clemett, S. J., Keller, L. P., & Christoffersen, R., 7-12 July 2019 in Sapporo, Japan. LPI Contribution No. 2157, id.6434 (2019)
"Exospheric Potassium: Laboratory measurement of temperature-dependent sputtering cross-section for potassium adsorbed on ilmenite," C. Bu and C. A. Dukes, 50th LPSC, #3274 (2019)
"Coordinated Analysis of an Ion Irradiated Carbonaceous Chondrite Suggests Complex Space Weathering Effects, 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference," Laczniak, D. L.; Thompson, M. S.; Dukes, C. A.; Morris, R. V.; Clemett, S. J.; Keller, L. P.; Christoffersen, R., 18-22 March at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 2132, id.1972 (2019)
"Solar Wind Interaction with Carbonate Deposits on Asteroid (1) Ceres' Surface: The Role of Surface Analysis in Laboratory Planetary Science," C.A. Dukes, G. Rodriguez Lopez, & C. Bu, AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition, Web ID #3769 (2018)
"Microstructural Effects on Surface Potential of Amorphous Solid Water, AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition," C. Bu, C. A. Dukes & R.A. Baragiola, Web ID # 4541 (2018)
"Solar-wind ion interaction with carbonates on the surface of Ceres: Laboratory Experiments," C.A. Dukes, C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, L.A. McFadden, O. Ruesch and J-Y. Li, Fall AGU Meeting (2017)
"Space Weathering Effects on Ceres: Novel Application of Surface Analytical Techniques to Questions in Planetary Science," G. Rodriguez Lopez, C. A. Dukes, C. Bu, L. A. McFadden, J.-Y. Li, and O. Ruesch, Abstract # 1858, AVS 64th International Symposium & Exhibition (2017)
"Dehydration and Solar Wind Ion Irradiation of Sodium and Ammonium Carbonates on the Surface of Main Belt Asteroids," G. Rodriguez Lopez, C. Bu, C.A. Dukes, L.A. McFadden, O. Ruesch, & J-Y. Li, , 4th ESF Meeting, (2017)
"Instability of Magnesium Sulfate Hedahydrate (MgSO4.6H2O) on Ceres: Laboratory Measurements," C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, C. A. Dukes, L. A. McFadden, J-Y. Li, and O. Ruesch, LPSC 48 Meeting, Abstract #2996 (2017)
"Space Weathering Effects on Sulfates and Carbonates- Laboratory Experiments," C.A. Dukes, C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, L.A. McFadden, J-Y. Li, and O. Ruesch, DPS #48 (2016)
"Dehydration-Induced Optical Effects of Hydrated Salts: Laboratory Spectral Measurements with Application to Ceres," C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, C.A. Dukes, L.A. McFadden, J-Y. Li, and O. Ruesch, DPS #48 (2016)
"Optical Effects Due to Hydration and Dehydration of Salts: Laboratory Measurements with Applications to Ceres," C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, C.A. Dukes, L.A. McFadden, J-Y. Li, and O. Ruesch, LPSC XLVII (2016)
"Charging and Discharging of Amorphous Solid Water Ice: The effects of Cracking and Implications for E-ring Grain Surface Potential," C. Bu, C. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, LPSC XLVII (2016)
"Compositional and microstructural evolution of olivine during pulsed laser irradiation as revealed by FIB/Field-emission TEM," R. Christoffersen, M. J. Loeffler, C. A. Dukes, L.P. Keller and R. A. Baragiola, LPSC XLVII (2016)
"Surface Chemistry of ion irradiated carbonaceous meteorites, " C.A. Dukes, D. Fulvio, and R.A. Baragiola, Space Weathering of Airless Bodies (2015)
"Compositional and microstructural evolution of pulsed laser deposits on olivine: Insights based on a FIB/Field-emission TEM study," R. Christoffersen, M. J. Loeffler, C. A. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, Space Weathering of Airless Bodies (2015)
"Problems at the leading edge of space weathering as revealed by TEM combined with surface science techniques," R. Christoffersen, C. A. Dukes, L.P. Keller, Z. Rahman, and R. A. Baragiola, Space Weathering of Airless Bodies (2015)
"Space Weathering of Silicates Simulated by Laser Irradiation," M.J. Loeffler, C. A. Dukes, R. Christoffersen, and R.A. Baragiola, Space Weathering of Airless Bodies (2015)
"Experimental space weathering of carbonaceous chondrite matrix," L. P. Keller, R. Christoffersen, C. A. Dukes, R. A. Baragiola, and Z. Rahman, Space Weathering of Airless Bodies (2015)
"Secondary electron emission from lunar soil by solar wind type ion impact: Laboratory measurements," C. A. Dukes, C. Bu, and R. A. Baragiola, DPS meeting #47, id.215.08
"Secondary electron yields from lunar soil due to low energy electron impact," C. A. Dukes, C. Bu, and R. A. Baragiola, LPSC XLVI (2015)
"Ion irradiation experiments on the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite: Simulating space weathering of primitive asteroids," L. P. Keller, R. Christoffersen, C. Dukes, R. Baragiola, and Z. Rahman, LPSC XLVI (2015)
"The Lunar Exosphere-Surface Connection: Laboratory Measurements of Apollo Soil Composition and Secondary Ion Ejection," C. A. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, LPSC XLV, A2361 (2014)
"Solar Wind Alteration of the Parent Asteroid of the Tagish Lake Meteorite: Laboratory Simulations," C. A. Dukes, D. Fulvio, and R. A. Baragiola, LPSC XLV, A2506 (2014)
"Solar, Ion Processing of Major Element Surface Compositions of Mature Mare Soils: Insights from Combined XPS and Anal. TEM Observations," R. Christoffersen, C.A. Dukes, L.P. Keller, and R. A. Baragiola, M&PSA, 75, 5341 (2012)
"Ozone Production by Colliding Dust in the Martian Atmosphere," R. A. Baragiola & C.A. Dukes, LPSC 43, 2471 (2012)
"Surface Science Constraints to Regolith Models," R. A. Baragiola & C.A. Dukes, LPSC XLII p.2477 (2011)
" On the Simulation of Adsorbed Water on the Moon, A Wet Vs. Dry Moon: Exploring Volatile Reservoirs and Implic. for the Evolution of the Moon and Fut. Explor.," R. A. Baragiola & C.A. Dukes, p.2 (2011)
"Formation of OH/H2O by 1 keV Proton Irradiation of Apollo 16 Lunar Highland Soil, A Wet Vs. Dry Moon: Exploring Volatile Reservoirs and Implications for the Evolution of the Moon and Future Exploration," Schaible, M. J.; Dukes, C. A.; Mitchell, E. H.; Baragiola, R. A., p.53 (2011)
"Sputtering of Na from the Lunar Surface: Laboratory Measurements," C. A. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, LPSC XLII, p.2357 (2011)
"The Effect of Space Radiation Processing on the Surface Chemistry of Lunar Regolith Grains: Experimental Constraints," R. Christoffersen, , C. Dukes, L. P. Keller and R. Baragiola, MetSoc. 73, M&PS Abst# 5379 (2010)
"Meteorite Analogs for Phobos and Deimos: Unraveling the Origin of the Martian Moons," P. Vernazza; Cipriani, F.; Dukes, C.; Fulvio, D.; Howard, K. T.; Witasse, O.; Brunetto, R.; Strazzulla, G.; Binzel, R. P.; Bland, P. A.; Baragiola, R., MetSoc. 73, M&PS Abstract# 5076 (2010)
"Origin of the Martian Moons: Investigating their surface composition," P. Vernazza; Cipriani, F.; Dukes, C.; Fulvio, D.; Howard, K. T.; Witasse, O.; Brunetto, R.; Strazzulla, G.; Binzel, R. P.; Bland, P. A.; Baragiola, R., p. 262 (2010)
"Effect of Water on the Surface Composition of Irradiated Minerals," C. A. Dukes and R. A. Baragiola, LPSC XLI Abstract#2157 (2010)
"Compositional changes in the surface of irradiated minerals exposed to water," C. Dukes, M. Loeffler, E. Cantando, and R. Baragiola, NLSI Lunar Science Forum 2009 Extended Abstract (2009).
"Effect of Space Radiation Processing on Lunar Soil Surface Chemistry: X-ray photoelectroscopic studies," C. Dukes, R. Christoffersen, L. Keller, M.J. Loeffler, and R. Baragiola, NLSI Lunar Science Forum, Extended Abstract July 13-18th (2009).
"Segregation of Mg, Ca, Al and Ti in silicates during ion irradiation," A. Toppani,, C. Dukes, R. Baragiola, J.P. Bradley, LPS XXXVII, Abs. # 2056 (2006)
"Amorphization of Forsterite Grains Due to High Energy Heavy Ion Irradiation -- Implications for Grain Processing in ISM," S. Bajt, R.A. Baragiola, E.M. Bringa, J.P. Bradley, Z.R. Dai, C.A. Dukes, T. Felter, G.A. Graham, S.O. Kucheyev, M.J. Loeffler, A. Tielens, D. Torres, and W. Vanbreugel, LPS XXXVII, Abs. # 2342 (2006)
"Can cosmic rays amorphize silicate dust particles?," E.M. Bringa , S. Bajt, R.A. Baragiola, J.P. Bradley, Z.R. Dai, C.A. Dukes, T. Felter, G.A. Graham, S.O. Kucheyev, M.J. Loeffler, A. Tielens, D. Torres, and W. Vanbreugel, AGU, Abs. # SH51D-0297 (2004)
"Impacts of Ions and Micrometeorites on Mineral Surfaces: Reflectance and Chemical Changes Found in Ordinary Chondrites," M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, R.A. Baragiola, S. Sasaki, E. Kurahashi, Y. Ueda, L.A. McFadden, LPS XXXV, Abs. # 2049 (2004)
"An Investigation into Solar Wind Depletion of Sulfur in Troilite," C.A. Dukes, W-Y Chang, M.J. Loeffler, R.A. Baragiola, L.A. McFadden., LPS XXXV, Abs. # 1873 (2004)
"Contribution of Ion Sputtering to the Production of Na and K in the Lunar Atmosphere, The Moon Beyond 2002: Next Steps in Lunar Science and Exploration," C.A. Dukes and R.A. Baragiola., p. 14 (2002)
"Radiation processing and the origins of interplanetary dust," J.P. Bradley, C. Dukes, R. Baragiola, L. McFadden, R.E. Johnson, and D.E. Brownlee, Abstract – Lunar Planet Sci. XXVII (1996)
"Auger and plasmon assisted neutralization at surfaces, The 16th Werner Brandt Workshop on Charged Particle Penetration Phenomena, " R.A. Baragiola and C.A. Dukes, 92 (1996)
C. Dukes with U. Raut, Obituary for Raúl A. Baragiola for AAS Division of Planetary Science (2015)