Monthly Memes

LASP Group Memes

Memes developed by LASP while waiting for things to happen ......

Summer 2024

  • LAMMPS Meme 1

    Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator - Meme 1

    Annabel waiting for helium vesicles to form.....

  • LAMMPS Meme 2

    Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator - Meme 2

    Cass searching for the right atomic potential for sodium .....

  • Space Weather Meme

    In search of weathering on Bennu grains Meme

    Jackson waits for a change in the weather .....

Memes from the Interworld.....

  • Metric System Meme

    The metric system ....... it makes so much sense!

    A meme for the Star Wars community.

  • Van de Graff

    KEVION Ion Irradiation Facility - Coming Soon!

    Getting a charge out of accelerators .....

  • Earth Rotation

    Nearby astromechanics

    It doesn't take much .....