94 Results found for: Category

  • Masters of Success

    This year, for the first time at the University of Virginia, graduate students were offered a chance to earn a certificate in one of the nation’s newest high-tech fields: cyber-physical systems. 

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  • Class Makes Link Between Engineering and Social Justice Crystal Clear

    Engineering Systems and Environment course gives students practical tools to apply social justice before the design process begins.

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  • CAREER Award: Swimming Fast is One Thing, Swimming Fast While Steering is Another

    Assistant professor Daniel Quinn is laying the groundwork for a new generation of intelligent swimming and flying machines.

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  • Batteryless Sensors Empower People with Information and Insight

    Calhoun was recently elected Fellow of IEEE for his original and fundamental contributions in integrated circuit design.

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  • Research Team Develops New Class of Soft Materials

    Assistant Professor Liheng Cai collaborated with Brookhaven National Laboratory to conduct soft biomatter research. 

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  • Jennifer L. West Named Dean of Engineering

  • Let it Flow

  • Researcher’s Dream

    Steven Caliari knew what the NIH’s Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award for Early-Stage Investigators would mean for his young research program, and the good his science could do.

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  • AMP Alumni’s Company Recognized as One of D.C. Area’s Fast-Growing Businesses

    Washington Business Journal has recognized a company founded by two 2007 alumni of the Accelerated Masters Program in Systems Engineering as one of the fastest-growing companies in the D.C. area.

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  • The Future of Computing

    For 70 years, computers have operated on an architectural framework that has worked exceedingly well, multiplying speed and functionality many times over through improvements to core, individual components.

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