Kevin Sullivan

    Associate Professor
    Kevin Sullivan

    Kevin Sullivan obtained his background in computer science from Tufts University (1987), working most closely with David Krumme, and in graduate school at the University of Washington, working with David Notkin (MS, 1994, PhD, 1994).

    Ye (Sarah) Sun

    Associate Professor
    Sarah Sun

    Sun joined UVA as an associate professor in 2021. Prior to her position at UVA, Sun was an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Technological University.

    Yixin Sun

    Anita Jones Career Enhancement Assistant Professor, Computer Science Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Yixin Sun headshot
    Research interests include: Network Security and Privacy, Routing Security, Anonymity Systems, Network Attacks and Defenses I am broadly interested in network security and privacy. I joined the Department of Computer Science in January 2020 as Assistant Professor, as well as the…

    Nathan Swami

    Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Nathan Swami

    Nathan Swami is a Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

    Gang Tao

    Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    headshot of Gang Tao

    For more than 30 years, Professor Gang Tao has worked in various areas of adaptive control theory and applications, with particular interests in adaptive control of systems with multiple inputs and multiple outputs, systems with nonsmooth nonlinearities, and systems with uncertain faults...

    Phillip Taylor

    Assistant Professor, Starting fall 2024, Chemical Engineering
    Phillip Taylor headshot
    Phillip A. Taylor is an incoming Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering starting Fall 2024. After obtaining a B.S.E. in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 2016, he completed an M.S.E. in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering…

    Yuan Tian

    Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Research interests include: Security and Privacy, Cyber-Physical System, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction My research interests involve security and privacy and its interactions with system, networking, machine learning, and human-computer interaction. My current research…

    Ashish Venkat

    William Wulf Career Enhancement Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Headshot of Ashish Venkat

    Ashish Venkat is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia, where he joined after obtaining a Ph.D. from UC San Diego. His work has been published at top-tier venues such as ISCA, MICRO, ASPLOS, HPCA, and USENIX Security, and has received funding from NSF, DARPA, SRC, and Intel.

    Anil Vullikanti

    Professor, Computer Science, University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute
    Headshot of Anil Vullikanti

    Anil Vullikanti is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Biocomplexity Institute. His research interests are randomized algorithms, combinatorial optimization, distributed computing, dynamical systems and network science, machine learning, and AI, and their applications to epidemiology, public health, and modeling.

    Hongning Wang

    Visiting Associate Professor, Computer Science
    Hongning Wang headshot
    Research interests include: Machine Learning, Text Mining, Information Retrieval, Computational Statistics and Simulation/Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Modeling Hongning Wang received his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana in…

    Tianhao Wang

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Research interests include: Differential Privacy, Machine Learning Privacy

    Amanda Watson

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Amanda Watson

    Amanda Watson’s research focuses on wearable technology for healthcare and athletic performance. Amanda Watson is an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Virginia. She is also affiliated with the UVA Link Lab, a multi-disciplinary center for research and education in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).

UVA Engineering is a vibrant, collegial environment in which to work and teach. 

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