Research @ UVA Engineering
Engineering for a Sustainable FutureEngineering a better future will require the best work of researchers collaborating along the spectrum from the tiniest building blocks of materials through the complex workings of entire societal systems. We work at the micro- and nano-scale in fields like heat transfer, catalysis and 2-D materials to identify fundamental properties of matter. Our goal is not simply to conduct research, but to pursue research with positive global impact.
Research Area
Optics, Photonics and Sensing Energy, Transportation and the Environment Materials Engineering & Nanotechnology-
UVA Receives DURIP Grant for Cutting-Edge Ceramic Research System
UVA’s proposed new system for studying ultra-high-temperature ceramics will empower researchers to gather high-precision data that was previously out of reach.
In Major Materials Breakthrough, UVA Team Solves a Nearly 200-Year-Old Challenge in Polymers
UVA researchers’ new polymer strategy shifts a centuries-old engineering paradigm with a molecular design that doesn’t sacrifice stretchability for stiffness.
UVA Researchers Develop New Coatings To Boost Turbine Engine Efficiency
A multidisciplinary UVA-led research group has formulated new protective coatings to allow turbine engines to run hotter — with potential dividends for the environment and people.
A Blueprint for Building the Future: Eco-Friendly 3D Concrete Printing
UVA is taking the lead to improve 3D concrete printing construction technology with rigorous research to make printable materials stronger, more sustainable and better performing.
Shear Genius: UVA Finds Way To Scale Up Wonder Material, Which Could Do Wonders for the Earth
UVA researchers have found a way to scale up a substance called MOF-525, which could turn captured carbon dioxide into something useful.
Generating Temperature Comparable to a Star — In the Lab
Mechanical and aerospace engineering researchers achieve thermal conductivity milestone.
UVA Engineering and the II-VI Foundation: Decade-long Partnership Offers a Launchpad for Graduate Students
Since 2012, UVA professor Jerrold A. Floro has earned II-VI Foundation funding for three projects resulting in new discoveries.
Playing with Dirt Leads to Big Potential for Sustainable Buildings
Faculty in engineering, architecture and environmental sciences demonstrate that 3D-printed, geometrically complex structures made of soil and seed can support plant growth.
UVA Researchers Harness the Power of a New Solid-State Thermal Technology
Researchers at the UVA School of Engineering and Applied Science have discovered a way to make a versatile thermal conductor, with promise for more energy-efficient electronic devices.
Finding the Most Heat-Resistant Substances Ever Made
Materials science engineering and geology experts will copy Mother Nature’s use of mineral compositions, temperature and pressure to make next-generation materials.
UVA Engineer Innovates a Liquid Safety Cushioning Technology
A Breakthrough in Material Design Will Help Football Players, Car Occupants and Hospital Patients
Newer Tunabot Models Are Faster and Bigger — and May One Day Outperform Fish
An accomplished UVA postdoctoral researcher knows the power of industry-academia collaborations for underwater vehicle design and development.