• Synthetic Blood Platelets Might Be as Good as the Real Thing to Stop Bleeding

    In emergency medicine, access to blood-clotting platelets has long been a problem due to short shelf life and limited supplies. A UVA professor’s startup company might have the solution.

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  • UVA Engineering Assistant Professors Named ‘Rising Stars’ in Polymers Research

    Rachel Letteri and Liheng Cai design polymer materials for applications such as treating disease or repairing tissue loss, soft robotics and wearable electronics.

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  • Hampton University Chemical Engineering Undergrads Gain Research Experience at UVA Engineering

    An exploratory undergraduate research program establishes a bond between UVA’s and Hampton University’s chemical engineering departments.

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  • Kelsey Kubelick Joins the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UVA

    Kubelick develops imaging tools to track the movement and efficacy of T cells deployed in cancer therapies, aiming ultimately to enhance the cells’ defensive abilities.

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  • Leading Tissue Regeneration Expert to Chair UVA’s Department of Biomedical Engineering

    Her research focuses on tiny blood vessels that are one-tenth the diameter of a human hair, needed to regenerate tissues damaged by injury or disease. 

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  • UVA Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Collaboration Offers Hope for Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients

    A UVA Engineering team has developed a new analytical tool that could lead to a cure for a terrible disease.

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  • UVA-Led Discovery Challenges 30-Year-Old Dogma in Associative Polymers Research

    A new study appears to challenge a long-held understanding of how the widely used materials function at the molecular level.

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  • High-Performance Researchers Model Molecular Interactions

    Their Work Will Lead to Customized Hydrogels, the Substance of Tissue Engineering

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  • A Sponge that Could Give Wounded Soldiers a Fighting Chance

    UVA professor George Christ teams with UC Berkeley professor Kevin Edward Healy to develop a hydrogel material that can be placed directly in wounds to make up for missing muscle mass. 

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  • University of Virginia Engineering Researchers Strive to Match Artistry of Biological Tissues

    Assistant Professor Liheng Cai and his Ph.D. student Jinchang Zhu were invited to share their latest research in a special issue of Acta Biomaterialia.

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  • For Good: Beverly Miller

    People become engineers because they have a passion for creating knowledge and technologies that serve society.

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  • Running With the Right Crowd

    Rachel Letteri is chemical engineering’s second early-career faculty member to earn the NIH Maximizing Investigator’s Research Award.

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