Research @ UVA Engineering
Engineering For HealthUVA Engineering is co-located with the top-ranked UVA School of Medicine and UVA Health System, and our culture values and rewards collaboration and initiative.
Research Area
Biomechanics Biotechnology & Biomolecular Engineering Biotechnology and Bioengineering Biomedical Imaging Clinical and Translational Science Systems Biology and Biomedical Data Science Biomaterials, Soft Materials and Tissue Engineering-
UVA-Led Discovery Challenges 30-Year-Old Dogma in Associative Polymers Research
A new study appears to challenge a long-held understanding of how the widely used materials function at the molecular level.
High-Performance Researchers Model Molecular Interactions
Their Work Will Lead to Customized Hydrogels, the Substance of Tissue Engineering
A Sponge that Could Give Wounded Soldiers a Fighting Chance
UVA professor George Christ teams with UC Berkeley professor Kevin Edward Healy to develop a hydrogel material that can be placed directly in wounds to make up for missing muscle mass.
University of Virginia Engineering Researchers Strive to Match Artistry of Biological Tissues
Assistant Professor Liheng Cai and his Ph.D. student Jinchang Zhu were invited to share their latest research in a special issue of Acta Biomaterialia.
Leading Tissue Regeneration Expert to Chair UVA’s Department of Biomedical Engineering
Her research focuses on tiny blood vessels that are one-tenth the diameter of a human hair, needed to regenerate tissues damaged by injury or disease.
For Good: Beverly Miller
People become engineers because they have a passion for creating knowledge and technologies that serve society.
Running With the Right Crowd
Rachel Letteri is chemical engineering’s second early-career faculty member to earn the NIH Maximizing Investigator’s Research Award.
UVA Biomedical Engineers Aim to Mass Produce Muscle Cells for Treating Traumatic Injuries
Rachel Bour is part of a team that’s getting closer to helping the thousands of Americans who suffer from perm
UVA Researchers Advance Bioprinting
Rsearcher’s paper, Digital Assembly of Spherical Viscoelastic Bio-ink Particles, termed DASP, is featured as a cover article in Advanced Functional Materials.
Research Team Develops New Class of Soft Materials
Assistant Professor Liheng Cai collaborated with Brookhaven National Laboratory to conduct soft biomatter research.
Stretching Possibilities
Liheng Cai aims to design soft polymers capable of new feats, such as 3D printing materials for use in tissue engineering, optical devices or stretchable fabrics with embedded electronics.
Researcher’s Dream
Steven Caliari knew what the NIH’s Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award for Early-Stage Investigators would mean for his young research program, and the good his science could do.