• Generating Temperature Comparable to a Star — In the Lab

    Mechanical and aerospace engineering researchers achieve thermal conductivity milestone.

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  • Maximizing Excitons as Energy Carriers

    Kyusang Lee has received a prestigious award from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to investigate promising new semiconductor material systems.

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  • UVA Engineering and the II-VI Foundation: Decade-long Partnership Offers a Launchpad for Graduate Students

    Since 2012, UVA professor Jerrold A. Floro has earned II-VI Foundation funding for three projects resulting in new discoveries.

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  • Newer Tunabot Models Are Faster and Bigger — and May One Day Outperform Fish

    An accomplished UVA postdoctoral researcher knows the power of industry-academia collaborations for underwater vehicle design and development.

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  • Playing with Dirt Leads to Big Potential for Sustainable Buildings

    Faculty in engineering, architecture and environmental sciences demonstrate that 3D-printed, geometrically complex structures made of soil and seed can support plant growth.

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  • In the Blink of An Eye

    Lee's vision for biomimicking sensor systems presents a complete story from materials to integration to application.

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  • UVA Researchers Harness the Power of a New Solid-State Thermal Technology

    Researchers at the UVA School of Engineering and Applied Science have discovered a way to make a versatile thermal conductor, with promise for more energy-efficient electronic devices.

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  • UVA Materials Science Engineers Work on New Material for Computer Chips

    Samantha Jaszewski and Shelby Fields publish landmark studies on stability of ferroelectric hafnium oxides.

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  • UVA Engineer Innovates a Liquid Safety Cushioning Technology

    A Breakthrough in Material Design Will Help Football Players, Car Occupants and Hospital Patients

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  • UVA-Led Discovery Challenges 30-Year-Old Dogma in Associative Polymers Research

    A new study appears to challenge a long-held understanding of how the widely used materials function at the molecular level.

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