Research @ UVA Engineering
Engineering For HealthUVA Engineering is co-located with the top-ranked UVA School of Medicine and UVA Health System, and our culture values and rewards collaboration and initiative.
Research Area
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology Biotechnology and Bioengineering Biomedical and Molecular Imaging Clinical and Translational Science Systems Biology and Biomedical Data Sciences Biomaterials, Soft Materials and Tissue Engineering
Systems Biology and Biomedical Data Sciences
Clear selection
Biomedical Systems and Data Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering Our interdisciplinary research ranges from designing biomolecular sensors to developing data-intensive approaches for ensuring the safety of medical devices. -
Information and Intelligent Automation
Systems and Information Engineering Exploring intelligent, automated technology and method development and innovative ways these intelligent systems can improve society. -
Operations Research and Analytics
Systems and Information Engineering Systems researchers model, analyze and improve the most complex systems in th world, using analytics. , including machine learning and artificial intelligence, optimization, stochastic processes, and discrete-event and agent-based simulation to improve domains from manufacturing, human health, defense and energy. -
Simulation and Complex Systems
Chemical Engineering WE use Monte Carlo methods to predict bacteria spread in groundwater as well as mMolecular dynamics simulations explore protein interactions, aiding design of stimuli-responsive materials for drug delivery, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine -
Software Engineering
Computer Science The critical role that software plays means that individuals, organizations, and institutions must determine whether to trust that its operation is safe, secure, and fair. Using current approaches to developing software-intensive systems. -
Systems Biology and Biomedical Data Sciences
Biomedical Engineering Tackling complex challenges in human health requires the systematic analysis of molecular, cellular, and multi-cellular processes in a quantitative framework.