I want to:

Over 19 Hours Petition Form  (Must be fully approved prior to 5:00 P.M. on the add deadline date for the term)

NOTE: First semester students are not allowed to enroll in more than 19 credit hours

Undergraduate Request to Enroll in a Grad Course (Currently inactive - please see note below...)

NOTE:  This form will be available beginning on Monday, August 4 (Open Enrollment) for fall 2025.  We must allow newly admitted graduate students to enroll in graduate courses before we can take enrollment requests for undergraduates.  

Students can now request a course withdrawal in SIS by the term deadline.  To get started, go to the drop tab in your SIS Student Center.  Use the DROP transaction for the desired class.  When you get the message about withdrawing, click on the "Request Class Withdrawal" link and follow the directions.  If the course withdrawal will put you below full-time (12 credits), you must also submit a Reduced Course Load Request form (below) by the deadline.

Request for a Temporary Reduced Course Load

A reduced course load is enrollment in 6.1 - 11.9 credits and may jeopardize NCAA eligibility, F-1 or J-1 visa status, financial aid, UVA in-residence housing eligibility, health and auto insurance eligibility, or veteran’s benefits. Check before you submit this request.  If you are a student worker on-grounds, you must be enrolled full-time (12 credits or more), unless you are in your final undergraduate term and need less than 12 credits in order to graduate. 

You must be a student in the School of Engineering in order to access the form below.  Students not in their final undergraduate term will need to show mitigating circumstances in order to be considered for a temporary reduced course load.  Students approved for a reduced course load are not considered full-time but will pay full-time tuition and fees for the term.  Requests should be submitted before the add deadline for the term, and no later than the engineering drop deadline.  Review the enrollment deadlines for the term on the University Registrar's webpage.


Request for Temporary Part-Time Status

Part-time status is enrollment in no more than 6 credits for the fall or spring semester.  Attending part-time may jeopardize NCAA eligibility, F-1 or J-1 visa status, financial aid, UVA in-residence housing eligibility, health and auto insurance eligibility, or veteran’s benefits. Check before you submit this request.   No more than sixteen (16) credits can be earned on a temporary part-time basis during a student’s undergraduate degree program.  If you are a student worker on-grounds, you must be enrolled full-time (12 credits or more), unless you are in your final undergraduate term and need less than 12 credits in order to graduate. 

You must be a student in the School of Engineering in order to access the form below.  Please finalize your class schedule for the upcoming term before you submit this form.  Students not in their final undergraduate term will need to show mitigating circumstances in order to be considered for temporary part-time status.  During the enrollment period for the upcoming fall or spring term, use the form below to request temporary part-time status.  This form must be submitted before the add deadline of the term.  Review the enrollment deadlines for the term on the University Registrar's webpageThis form will not be active outside of the enrollment period for the upcoming term. 

FORM: PART-TIME STATUS REQUEST FORM (Not active outside of the enrollment period)


Jesse Rogers

Engineering Undergraduate Registrar

Jesse is responsible for maintaining student records, course registration, and transfer credit course equivalency. Jesse also oversees degree conferrals. 

The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only.  The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found here.