• Matheus Venturyne Xavier Ferreira

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
  • Ferdinando Fioretto

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Ferdinando Fioretto Headshot

    Ferdinando Fioretto works on machine learning, optimization, differential privacy, and fairness. He is a recipient of the Amazon Research Award, the NSF CAREER award, the Google Research Scholar Award, the Caspar Bowden PET award, the ISSNAF Mario Gerla Young Investigator Award, the ACP Early Career Researcher Award, and several best paper awards.

  • Jim Fitz-Gerald

    Currently Recruiting
  • fitzgerald
    Dr. Gerard J. Fitzgerald’s research employs a multi-disciplinary approach informed by different subfields including environmental history, the history of technology, sensory history, the history of public health, and the history of science to investigate the evolution of modern…
  • Tom Fletcher

    Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor, Computer Science
    Tom Fletcher headshot
    Tom Fletcher is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as well as the Department of Computer Science. He received his B.A. degree in Mathematics at the University of Virginia in 1999. He received an M.S. in Computer Science in 2002 followed by…
  • Jerrold A. Floro

    Associate Chair for Academics Professor
    Jerrold Floro headshot photo

    Jerrold Floro's research is to investigate and exploit nanoscale self-assembly and pattern formation in inorganic materials, to enhance properties and develop material functionality. Techniques include vapor phase thin film growth, laser processing, melting and rapid solidification, powder processing, and solid-state phase transformations.

  • Mark Richard Floryan

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science
    I focus on computer science education and the ways in which computing can improve education more generally. I teach core computer science courses (e.g., Data Structures, Algorithms) as well as electives related to my field (e.g., Game Design, Artificial Intelligence, HCI). As a…
  • Rider W. Foley

    Associate Professor Director, Policy Internship Program
    Rider W. Foley headshot

    Dr. Rider W. Foley is an associate professor in the science, technology & society program in the Department of Engineering and Society at the University of Virginia. He is the principal investigator at University of Virginia on the ‘4C Project’ on Cultivating Cultures of Ethical STEM education.

  • Roseanne M. Ford

    Professor of Chemical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Roseanne M. Ford

    Roseanne M. Ford is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Virginia. She holds a B.S. degree from the University of Delaware and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, both in chemical engineering.

  • MC Forelle

    Assistant Professor
    MC Forelle is an assistant professor in Engineering & Society at the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Virginia. Their work broadly examines the intersection of law, technology, and culture, with particular interests in materiality, sustainability, and…