• Yangfeng Ji

    William Wulf Career Enhancement Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Yangfeng Ji
    Research interests include: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning Yangfeng Ji joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia in 2018. He received his PhD from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016. From Aug. 2016 to Jul. 2018, he was a…
  • Adwait Jog

    Associate Professor, Computer Science Anita Jones Faculty Fellow
    Currently Recruiting
    Adwait Jog Headshot

    His research interests lie in the broad area of computer architecture and systems. Jog's research has consistently been published at premier IEEE/ACM computer systems and architecture venues and funded by several agencies such as NSF and Google. He is a senior member of both IEEE and ACM.

  • Barry W. Johnson

    L.A. Lacy Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Headshot of Barry W. Johnson

    Dr. Johnson has served on the faculty since 1984 and was promoted to Full Professor in 1994. He was a co-founder of Privaris, a biometrics security company, and served as Chief Executive Officer from 2002 to 2006 while on leave from the University of Virginia. 

  • Henry Kautz

    Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Henry Kautz Headshot
    Henry Kautz a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. From 2018 to 2022 he served as Division Director for Information & Intelligent Systems (IIS) at the National Science Foundation, where he led the National AI Research Institutes program. He was the founding…
  • Kimberly A. Kelly

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Kimberly A. Kelly

    Kimberly Kelly uses computational methods and bioinformatics to develop more effective and less toxic cancer drugs through the identification of disease-relevant druggable targets, with a special emphasis on translation to the clinic and commercialization.

  • Robert G. Kelly

    Associate Chair for Operations AT & T Professor of Engineering Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Co-Director, Center for Electrochemical Science and Engineering
    Robert G. Kelly

    Robert G. Kelly has been conducting research on the corrosion of metals for the past 30 years.

  • Richard W. Kent

    Frederick Tracy Morse Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Professor, Biomedical Engineering (Courtesy) Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery (Courtesy)
    Richard W. Kent headshot

    Dr. Kent is the Frederick Tracy Morse Professor and Chair of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Virginia, and co-Founder of the UVA Center for Applied Biomechanics.

  • Anthony R. Kerr

    Visiting Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Anthony Kerr received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 1969. He then joined the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Sydney, Australia, to develop cryogenic parametric amplifiers for radio astronomy. From 1971 to 1974, he worked…
  • Jason R. Kerrigan

    Commonwealth Professor Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery (Courtesy) Director, Center for Applied Biomechanics
    Jason Kerrigan headshot

    Prof. Kerrigan's research in injury biomechanics uses data analysis, computational modeling, and mechanical experiments with human tissue to prevent and mitigate injuries to motor vehicle occupants and athletes. Right now he is working on occupant protection for future vehicles, shoe-turf interaction mechanics, and characterizing injury tolerance.

  • Samira Khan

    Associate Professor, Computer Science
    Samira Khan headshot
    Research interests include: Computer Architecture, Grid/Cloud/High-performance Computing, Programming Languages and Compilers I am an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at University of Virginia (UVA), where I lead the research group ShiftLab . Before joining UVA…