• UVA Engineering to Receive $33 Million from The Tech Talent Investment Program

    Governor Northam announces plans to graduate 31,000 Virginia students in computer science, boosting the tech talent pipeline. The University of Virginia will receive about $33 million from The Tech Talent Investment Program over the next 20 years to support more than 3,000 degrees in computer science.

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  • Student Spotlight - Victor Shen (MAE '24)

  • Largest-Ever Gift to UVA Engineering will Support Teaching and Research Excellence

    Endowments Will Support Faculty Recruitment and Retention, Ph.D. Fellowships and Strategic Initiatives

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  • What History Tells Us About Keeping Pedestrians Safe

    Engineering and Society associate professor Peter Norton offers a historical perspective on how to reverse the rise in pedestrian fatalities in an in-depth story by Arizona Public Media.

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  • How Does Information Encoded in Your DNA Increase the Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes?

    Bioinformatics Applied to Gene Expression

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  • Q&A with the Chair of the Department's First All-Female Faculty Search Committee

    The Tenure Track Gender Gap

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  • Engineering Professor Selected for Defense Advisory Group

    Patrick Hopkins, a mechanical and aerospace engineering professor, has been selected for the U.S. Defense Science Study Group, a program bringing together top American scientists and engineers to address national security challenges.

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  • NIH Grants UVA Researchers $2.7M that Could Lead to Precision Treatment for Deadly Heart Plaque

    Engineering and medicine team up to develop a new diagnostic tool

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  • Supercomputing and Big Data Tackle Flu Season

    Researchers with UVA Engineering’s Biocomplexity Institute are using computer modeling to reduce the severity of flu outbreaks.

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  • Rolls-Royce University Technology Center Invests in Engineering Talent

    Partnership Advances Mission to Engineer Materials of the Future

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  • Center for Electrochemical Science and Engineering Combats Environmental Cracking of Littoral Combat Ships

    R&D Partnerships Accelerate Use of New Coating

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  • Grant Accelerates Discovery of Materials that Perform in Extreme Environments

    UVA and Duke Team Up to Create New Coatings for Turbine Engines

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