By  Center for Engineering Career Development

Things to do this summer:
Go to the beach - yep
Sleep - for sure
Work - necessary for the iced coffee habit
Network …We can all agree that networking can be intimidating and sometimes has a bit of an ick factor. But let's be honest, the whole job search process can feel intimidating and icky. No one wants it to go on any longer than it has to, right? So why not try to make your search as efficient as possible.
And that means, networking.
Let's start with reducing the networking ick factor. Think about networking as informational interviews instead of networking. You're not asking someone to help you get a job, you're asking someone for advice and information on the type of work they do. As a student, this is a completely reasonable request - you can't know what you'd like to do without researching what the options are!
Secondly, do your networking (informational interviewing) BEFORE you start job searching. You will truly be only seeking information if you haven't even started your search yet! You probably have a couple of companies in mind that you'd be interested in - start by looking for UVA alums at those companies. We have two blog posts on finding alums on LinkedIn and VAM.Then, once you actually apply for a position at the company, you can reconnect with the person you talked with to thank them (again) for talking with you and letting them know that you've applied to their company. Since you've already established a relationship with them, they are more likely to offer to refer you or pass along your resume to other folks they know who might be hiring.
A third way to combat the ick factor is to remember that in just a few years, YOU'LL be working and you might be in a position to return the favor and help them (maybe they are making a career move and want to explore options at your company)! As soon as you start your new career, you'll also be able to help current students with advice and referrals! So while it may feel like a one-sided relationship right now, it won't always be that way.
So, hopefully it doesn't feel as icky to think about networking as career research and information gathering.
It's a little harder to overcome the intimidation factor in networking. For most of us, it's uncomfortable to reach out to people we don't know. Starting with UVA alums can help - you already have a significant life experience in common and UVA is known for having helpful and friendly alumni! It's also helpful to remind yourself of two things: one, the worst thing that can happen is that you just don't hear back from them and two, every conversation/request for a coffee meeting is a learning experience. You're a student - learning is what you do!
Main takeaways:
Reframe the way you think about networking - informational interviews are a logical part of the career exploration process.
Remember that you'll be able to help others one day soon.
Start networking BEFORE you start your job search and it will feel like a more genuine request for information and conversation.
UVA alums are notoriously friendly and helpful!
It's a learning process and will get easier each time you reach out to someone.
Your challenge:
Use extra time that you might have this summer, to give informational interviewing a shot. Your future self will be so proud of you!
Resources to get started:…