• E-Waste

    Electronic Hardware Surplus

    Does your department have old, broken, unwanted electronic equipment this is taking up space and you don't know what to do with it?

    Engineering-IT can assist you with the process, just email and create a ticket - Subject Line: Engineering Surplus.  

    One of our talented and dedicated members will then reach out to you.

    Here are a few requirements for Engr-IT assistance:

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  • Lightning Lesson - Collab End of Life Content Management

    Come join us as we discuss how to export data from Collab and where to put it.  Lightning Lessons - Collab EOL - Content Management  - You can select from 4 scheduled times or schedule a time directly with John LaMasney.

    John LaMasney will be providing information and answering questions.  You, or someone you assigned as Administrator, has to do the work.  

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  • CoPilot

    Lightning Lesson - CoPilot for the Everyday

    Join JO Whitlow, one of our Engineering IT Team members, to see how CoPilot might make your day to day a bit better.

    JO will be leading the Lightning Lesson on Wednesday, March 26, at 1:30pm and April 1 at 10:30am in Thornton A238 - Rodman Room

    Let us know you will be joining - Registration Form

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  • Hacked recently?

    Digital Security - Protect Your Personal Data and the University's Data

    In today's digital world, keeping information safe is important. ITS has started a campaign to do just that for all account users to make sure everyone knows how to keep our data (and YOUR Data) and devices secure. We want to make sure that everyone, including faculty, staff, sponsored accounts, and student workers, learn the right ways to stay safe online. This training is for those who do not use  HSVPN, the training course is called Information Security Awareness Training (ISAT).

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  • Engineering IT Team Recognition

    JK Stringer  "Star Studded" Service Excellence Awardee

    Amy Morell "Dedicated" Teamwork and Organization Award

    Maggie Nguyen "Quest for Knowledge" Professional Development Award

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  • MultiSim - Student and Research Use

    This article will discuss the installation and activation of Multisim, an industry standard SPICE simulation and circuit design software for analog, digital, and power electronics in education and research.

    • Windows Only Installation.
    • Multisim licensing is renewed annually.
    • The license has been paid for by the ECE department and is for their sole use.
    • Licensing details should be provided by your professor for student course work.
    • Licensing code is a 11 alpha-numeric code.
    • Expires annually.

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  • ConferenceRoom

    Conference Room Upgrades

    Engineering IT is working hard on your behalf to improve conference rooms.

    The following AV system will be upgraded Spring break the week of March 10th.

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  • MS Teams General Channel can now be customized.

    Microsoft has heard your cry!  The Owner of the Team can change or customize the name of the General Channel!  And it is easy to do - wait... is that a good thing or a bad thing?

    Just click the 3 little dots to the right of the channel and select  Manage Channel or Rename Channel

    Things to consider before the change:

    There is no going back to General, once you change it, General is no longer an option to rename to.

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  • Using Teams for Meetings? Transitioning from ZOOM? Struggling to make it work the way you want it?

    Check out MS information on how to share and collaborate within MS Teams meeting - its all in the Presenter Control bar!

    Presenter Control Bar

    Present content in Microsoft Teams meetings - Microsoft Support

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