Dr. Gabriel Robins

    Professor of Computer Science
    Headshot of Gabriel Robins

    Professor Gabriel Robins earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA in 1992, where he received an IBM Fellowship and a Distinguished Teaching Award.

    Gustavo Kunde Rohde

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Gustavo Rohde headshot photo

    Dr. Rohde, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering, develops computational predictive models with applications in pathology, radiology, systems biology, and mobile sensing. He earned a B.S. degree 1999, M.S. degree in in 2001 from Vanderbilt University, and a doctorate in 2005 from the University of Maryland.

    Jonathan J. Rosen, PhD

    Director of Professional Studies Professor of the Practice, Biomedical Engineering Director, BME Master of Engineering
    Jonathan J. Rosen headshot
    Dr. Jonathan Rosen teaches and guides graduate Biomedical Engineers as they design their future and advance our standard of healthcare with breakthrough medical technologies. He is the Director of Professional Studies and Professor of Practice in the Department of Biomedical…

    Shawn Russell

    Assistant Professor
    Shawn Russell headshot

    Russell's research interests lie in the increased understanding of the mechanisms of human movement

    Robert S. Salzar

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Research Track
    Robert S. Salzar headshot
    Dr. Salzar has over 25 years of experience in the field of engineering mechanics, with the last 13 years focusing on injury biomechanics. After a two year post-doctoral NRC appointment with the NASA-Glenn Research Center researching advanced aerospace composite materials, Dr. Salzar…

    Jeffrey Saucerman

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Jeffrey Saucerman headshot photo

    Jeffrey Saucerman, PhD, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, combines computational models and high-throughput experiments to discover molecular networks that control cardiac remodeling and regeneration.

    Jason Sheehan

    Professor of Neurological Surgery Professor of Radiation Oncology Professor of Biomedical Engineering Professor of Neuroscience UVa Gamma Knife Center Co-Director Riverside-UVa Gamma Knife Co-Director
    Jason Sheehan headshot photo

    Dr. Jason Sheehan received his BS, MS, PhD and MD from the University of Virginia. His BS is in Chemical Engineering with the highest honors awarded from the School of Engineering. He performed fellowships at Auckland University and the University of Pittsburgh, and has written more than 250 peer reviewed papers.

    Nathan Sheffield

    Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, and Data Science
    portait sheffield
    The Sheffield Lab uses computation to ask and answer biological questions. We study the non-coding DNA that encodes gene regulatory networks and enables cellular differentiation, and how these networks break down in disease like cancer. To address these biological questions, we…

    Natasha Diba Sheybani, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery (by courtesy) Assistant Professor of Radiology & Medical Imaging (by courtesy) Research Director of the UVA Focused Ultrasound Cancer Immunotherapy Center
    Natasha Diba Sheybani

    Dr. Sheybani leads a translational research program centered on innovating tools and paradigms for non-invasive precision cancer management.

    Mark R. Sochor

    Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Emergency Medicine Vice Chair for Research Department of Emergency Medicine Medical Director, Center for Applied Biomechanics
    Dr. Mark Sochor is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Associate Professor in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Virginia. Dr. Sochor is a clinically active emergency medicine physician and the medical director at the Center for Applied…

    Nathan Swami

    Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Nathan Swami

    Nathan Swami is a Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

    Lakeshia J. Taite

    Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Academic General Faculty, Research Track
    Lakeshia J. Taite

    Lakeshia Taite designs biomaterials to create cell-instructive microenvironments that encourage tissue growth or regeneration.

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