Graduate Handbook

The BME Graduate Program Handbook is where students and advisors find expectations, deadlines, resources and alternatives for the PhD, MS and Master in Engineering programs.

Graduate Handbook, Forms and Support Links

We are a collegial and supportive community that helps graduate students thrive. At the mentorship level, this means that our graduate students have close relationships with their PI and other advisors, because our faculty are approachable, hands-on mentors. The foundation of this relationship is the BME Graduate Handbook, which lays out expectations, deadlines, resources and alternatives in a clear and transparent way.


BME Graduate Handbook

Here's where you will find expectations, deadlines, resources and alternatives laid out in a clear and transparent way.

Graduate Forms

The BME Handbook references online forms. Here's where most of those forms are located - and a whole lot more!

Contact Information

Donald Richieri Griffin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering & Chemical Engineering Graduate Program Director, Biomedical Engineering

Donald Griffin improves clinical translation of acellular and cellular therapies through enhanced hydrogel-tissue integration, specifically focusing on the development of passive and active instructional microenvironments using microscale building blocks.