Get Involved!

Get Involved

Give to the BME General Fund
Donations to the BME General Fund purchased supplies and T-shirts for the 7th Graders who participated in "Buford Biomedical Investigators," a K-12 outreach program developed by PhD candidates Wisam Fares and Kareem El-Ghazawi for Buford Middle School's after school program.
Make a gift to the UVA BME community you care about.
Help ensure that all UVA BME students can access the transformative experiences and opportunities that the University and the wider biomedical engineering community have to offer.
First Year Fellowships for PhD Students
The option to try out multiple labs during the first semester is a major deciding factor when choosing a PhD program. Help us recruit diverse, exceptional students by funding a First Year PhD Fellowship that guarantees a rotation.
Fellowships for Master of Engineering Students
Unlike doctoral students, master of engineering students pay their own tuition and fees. Support need- and merit-based fellowships for our BME ME students as they launch their professional careers.
Undergraduate Research & Design
Undergraduate students in our labs and maker spaces often work on ideas so new that grants do not yet exist to support these projects. Donations fill the gap and help purchase reagents, filaments and other supplies.
Travel Awards to Conferences
Attending (and presenting) at a national STEM conference can launch a student's career. But the cost to travel and attend is prohibitively high, especially for our undergraduates. Small gifts make a big difference!
Industry Internships
The Coulter Fellows Program is, in a word, oversubscribed. Your gift will help facilitate even more industry internships for graduate and undergraduate students. There's an ever-growing demand for these critical experiences.
K-12 STEM Outreach
Programs like Buford Biomedical Investigators and Engineering-Girls@UVA have established BME as UVA's leader for K-12 STEM outreach. Your gift helps ensure that programs like these last well into the future.
Endowed Professorship in Biomedical Engineering
It's surprising, but we are one of the few departments in the nation that does not have a Biomedical Engineering Endowed Professorship. Help change this, so we can devote more funding to transformational student programs!
BME Advancement Contacts

Chrissy Gibbons

Katie Lewis

Caitilin Mohr
BME Department Contacts

Kitter Bishop

Shayn Peirce-Cottler, Ph.D.
Shayn Peirce-Cottler develops computational models and combines them with wet lab experiments and machine learning to study how tissues heal after injury and to develop new therapies for inducing tissue regeneration.