Master of Materials Science and Engineering

The MMSE degree in MSE emphasizes classroom learning and requires that the student achieve satisfactorily 30 course credits beyond the BS level.

The courses requirements are as follows:

4 MSE core courses (12 credits)

6 elective courses from MSE, SEAS or UVA Sci/Math* (18 credits)

 *Minimum of 2 courses in MSE beyond core
 *Maximum of 2 courses at 5xxx level in MSE
 *Maximum of 3 courses at 5xxx level in total 

  • The program of study must be approved by one's MMSE advisor.
  • Up to six credits of electives may be earned in faculty-supervised independent study or advanced topics courses. Such studies may include laboratory work.
  • Each MMSE student will be assessed by faculty based on his or her proficiency at technical writing, oral presentation skills, and engineering analysis.

Within the last semester of study, students must initiate the 3 assessment forms needed to graduate. These forms can be found here: MMSE Assessment Forms. Send the Technical Writing form to the faculty member with whom you studied 6230 or 6240. Send the Oral Communication Assessment form to the faculty member with whom you studied 6010 or 6020. Send the Plan of Study to Leonid Zhigilei (for VEO) and Stephen McDonnell for MMSE. All 3 of these forms should also be sent to Bryana Amador once the faculty have signed them. They will then be sent to the registrar. 

The MMSE Virginia Engineering Online (VEO) degree program of study must be approved by the MSE VEO advisor. The MSE VEO faculty will review any appeal of this decision. Ideally, the MMSE degree program of study should be formalized and approved during the student's first year in the program. VEO students are urged to work closely with the MMSE VEO advisor to ensure an appropriate plan of study.

The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only.  The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found here.