Why Study Materials Science and Engineering?

Because we study EVERYTHING. The success of new technologies depend upon the materials they are made from. Whatever your passion, every field needs a materials scientist.
student in lab

Interdisciplinary at it's core, students who study MSE gain a strong foundation in chemistry and physics and explore the basic classes of materials:  ceramics, polymers and metals. From here topics expand into courses such as Corrosion, Batteries & Fuel Cells, Materials for Electronic, Magnetic & Optical Applications, Aerospace Materials, Nanoscale Science & Technology, Additive Manufacturing, and Thermodynamics & Kinetics of Materials. Throughout our program, students explore hands-on labs, research opportunities and a research & design capstone.

After graduation, MSE students can be found working in industry, academia, and government and across nearly all fields of engineering.

Learn more about CAREERS IN MSE.


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MSE Curriculum Worksheet

Materials science focuses on the inventive aspects of engineering. Using their knowledge and skills in materials characterization and computational methods, our students will develop creative solutions in the hard, physical sciences.

Ji Ma headshot Ji Ma MSE Professor