41 Results found for: Department

  • Frank Lagor

    Associate Professor
    Currently Recruiting
    Headshot Frank Lagor

    Professor Lagor's current research interests focus on estimation and control for autonomous systems interacting with their fluid environments. He received his Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from the University of Maryland in 2017, prior to which he worked for Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company where he was a Certified Principal Engineer.

  • Xiaodong (Chris) Li

    Rolls-Royce Commonwealth Professor ASME Fellow, SEM Fellow
    Xiaodong (Chris) Li portrait
    Dr. Li’s expertise and interests include (but not limited to) additive manufacturing, smart manufacturing, nanomaterial-enabled energy systems, biological and bio-inspired materials and devices, biomechanics, micro/nanomechanics, surface engineering, and tribology. He has been PI/Co…
  • Eric Loth

    Rolls-Royce Commonwealth Professor Director, Fluids Research Innovation Lab
    Currently Recruiting
    headshot of Eric Loth

    Prof. Eric Loth serves as the Rolls-Royce Commonwealth Professor of Engineering.  Loth’s current research focuses on extreme-scale wind turbines, energy-storage systems, multiphase flow, and aerospace propulsion. 

  • Lin Ma

    Lin Ma

    4D Diagnostics & Thermal-Fluids​
    Development of novel diagnostics with 4D spatiotemporal resolution to study combustion, propulsion and fluid dynamics

  • Michael Momot

    Distinguished Lecturer
    Michael Momot headshot
    Dr. Momot worked for a short time as a manufacturing engineer at General Electric's NELA park before obtaining a job with IBM as a design engineer working on printers. After obtaining his doctorate, he went to teach at Virginia Military Institute. After five years at VMI, he went to…
  • Matthew B. Panzer

    Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Post-Doctoral Affairs, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Professor of Biomedical Engineering (Courtesy) Deputy Director, Center for Applied Biomechanics
    Currently Recruiting
    Matthew Panzer

    Dr. Panzer is the Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Post-Doctoral Affairs for the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, a Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia, and the Deputy Director at the Center for Applied Biomechanics.

  • Joseph Park

    Professor, School of Medicine
    Joseph Park Headshot

    Dr. Park is the associate director of the Foot and Ankle Fellowship at UVA and is the team foot and ankle surgeon for UVA Athletics. His research interests include injury biomechanics, sports-related injuries to the foot and ankle, tendon reconstruction, ankle replacement, bone grafting and biomechanical properties of orthopedic implants.

  • Jesse Quinlan

    Guest Lecturer
    Jesse Quinlan headshot photo

    Jesse Quinlan works as a senior aerospace engineer in the Aeronautics Systems Analysis Branch and leads a team with a focus on applications to large, commercial, transport aircraft for the NASA Advanced Air Transport Technology Project. At the AATT he manages the development and execution of aircraft development, design, and technology assessment.

  • Daniel Quinn

    Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Daniel Quinn Headshot

    Associate Professor Quinn first came to the University of Virginia as an undergraduate student in 2006. After graduating, he left to get his PhD at Princeton University, then returned in 2017 to be on the UVA faculty.

  • reidenbach
    Reidenbach's primary area of research is environmental fluid dynamics, with an emphasis on physical-biological interactions in coastal environments. Current research activities include the effects of flow and turbulence on nutrient exchange in coral reefs, sediment transport in…