• Sebastian Elbaum

    Professor of Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Sebastian Elbaum

    Sebastian Elbaum is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research aims to build dependable systems through domain-specific analysis techniques.  He is an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. I am a founding member of the LESS Lab.  

  • William Epling

    Department Chair Ann Warrick Lacy Distinguished Professor
    William Epling headshot

    Bill received his PhD from the University of Florida in 1997 and his BS from Virginia Tech in 1992, both in Chemical Engineering.

  • Frederick H. Epstein, Ph.D.

    Mac Wade Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology and Medical Imaging Associate Vice President for Research, University of Virginia
    Currently Recruiting
    headshot of Frederick Epstein

    Dr. Epstein is a world leader in advancing MRI myocardial strain imaging by developing and applying the cine DENSE (displacement encoding using stimulated echoes) MRI method.

  • Keivan Esfarjani

    Associate Research Professor
    Currently Recruiting
    Keivan Esfarjani

    Keivan Esfarjani is theoretical and computational materials scientist.  He has pioneered a method to compute phonon lifetimes and thermal conductivity of solids from density functional calculation of force constants. He has held appointments at the Institute for Materials Research of the Tohoku University, UC Santa Cruz and MIT, among others.

  • David Evans

    Professor of Computer Science
  • Mohammad Fallahi-Sichani, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Mohammad Fallahi-Sichani, PhD

    Dr. Fallahi-Sichani leads a Systems Biology research program aiming to discover the fundamental mechanisms through which human cancer cells respond heterogeneously to environmental and therapeutic perturbations.

  • Farzad Farnoud

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    headshot of Farzad
    Research interests: Information and Coding Theory, Stochastic Modeling, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics Farzad Farnoud is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia. Previously, he was…
  • Lu Feng

    Associate Professor, Computer Science, Systems & Information Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Lu Feng is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. She is also a member of the Link Lab - the center of research excellence in Cyber-Physical Systems. Her research focuses on assuring the safety and trustworthiness of cyber-physical systems, with…
  • Anne M. Fernando

    Director, Center for Applied Mathematics Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Applied Mathematics
    Anne Fernando headshot
    Anne M. Fernando's teaching and research experience spans applied and computational mathematics, including mathematical physics, mathematical biology, and statiscal risk analysis. She is the former Chair of the Mathematics Department at Norfolk State University and has significant…
  • Nethali Fernando

    Assistant Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Applied Mathematics
    Nethali Fernando headshot
    Professor Fernando's research interests are in machine learning and in projects that combine data science with pedagogy. Prior to joining the Center for Applied Mathematics at UVA Engineering she served as a postdoctoral research associate and adjunct teaching faculty at The…