Our Research
Systems Biology and Biomedical Data Sciences
Two student training programs and $18.7 million in research funding attest to the success of our vision and strategy.
Biomedical Imaging
Clinical, basic-science, and engineering trainees gain depth and breadth through immersion in UVA's multidisciplinary imaging research ecosystem.
Biomaterials, Tissue Regeneration and Advanced Biomanufacturing
An ambitious vision grounded in our bench-to-bedside research pipeline, synergies with systems biology, and major institutional investments.
Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
Revolutionizing our understanding of fibrotic, orthopedic, and cardiovascular diseases.
Drug Discovery and Drug Delivery
The combination of targeted drug and gene delivery, molecular imaging and systems biology provides a strong interdisciplinary foundation.
Coulter Center for Translational Research
One of just 16 universities nationwide selected as a translational research partner in biomedical engineering by the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation.