VEO Class Schedule 2025 Fall
Fall 2025 VEO Classes
VEO Degree Students
Visit SIS or Lou’s List to search for classes. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss course plans with their advisor before enrolling in any course. Prior approval from your advisor is necessary to ensure your planned courses will count towards your degree. Once approved, log in to SIS and self-enroll.
Non-Degree and Visiting Students
Complete the non-degree account request (new students only; this form should be completed only once) and obtain instructor permission to enable course enrollment. When completing the form, select 'School of Engineering and Applied Science' for the school and 'Virginia Engineering Online' for the program. Our office will then personally assist you with the process. There is no application fee to take class as a non-degree or visiting student.
Fall 2025 Class Search Options
The fall 2025 UVA graduate engineering online classes have been compiled below. This listing is a snapshot-in-time and will be updated periodically. To ensure that you are viewing the most current class information, follow the class search options described below:
Visit Lou's List. Make sure the correct term is shown at the top left. Scroll down to the Engineering and Applied Sciences Departments and click to open the program options. Select a program (CHE, CE, ECE, MSE, MAE, or SYS) and review the courses that show. Generally, those listed with a 600 number section are those that will be available online.
Visit the Student Information System (SIS). Select ‘Search Classes by Semester’. Make sure the correct term is shown at the top left. Enter the subject in the ‘Subject’ field (CHE, CE, ECE, MSE, MAE, or SYS). Click the navy ‘Search’ button and review the courses that show. Generally, those listed with a 600 number section are those that will be available online.
Visit Cardinal Education to learn more about the classes available through our university consortium partnership program.
CHE 6448-600 (19820) Bioseparations Engineering
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Nick Vecchiarello
Principles of bioseparations engineering including specialized unit operations not normally covered in regular chemical engineering courses. Processing operations downstream of the initial manufacture of biotechnology products, including product recovery, separations, purification, and ancillary operations such as sterile processing, clean-in place and regulatory aspects. Bioprocess integration and design aspects. Prerequisite: Instructor permission
CHE 6450-600 (15685) Energy Science and Technologies
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: William Epling
Overview of energy technologies with an emphasis on materials research and development concepts and current production. The scope of these technologies within the broader contexts of innovation and energy policy. Topics will include fossil fuels, electrochemical energy storage, fuel cells, and photovoltaics.
CHE 6615-600 (15682) Advanced Thermodynamics
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Camille Bilodeau
Development of the thermodynamic laws and derived relations. Application of relations to properties of pure and multicomponent systems at equilibrium in the gaseous, liquid, and solidphases. Prediction and calculation of phase and reaction equilibria in practical systems. Prerequisite: Undergraduate-level thermodynamics or instructor permission.
CHE 6665-600 (19821) Techniques for Chemical Engineering Analysis & Design
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Phillip Taylor
Methods for analysis of steady state and transient chemical engineering problems arising in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, kinetics, and reactor design. Prerequisite: Undergraduate differential equations, transport processes, and chemical reaction engineering.
CE 5020-600 (15658) Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: John Miller
Introduces engineering problem solving using geographic information systems (GIS). GIS has proven to be an effective tool in civil engineering applications that incluce a significant spatial component. The course addresses basic GIS concepts, and includes hands-on exercises using GIS software.
CE 5025-600 (19621) Construction Planning, Scheduling, and Control
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Diana Franco Duran
Course equips you with essential knowledge & skills for managing complex projects. Navigate project fundamentals and apply hands-on techniques for successful outcomes. Master Critical Path Method for determining timelines & critical tasks, and utilize Resource-Based Scheduling to allocate resources efficiently. Gain practical experience with Oracle's Primavera P6 & expert insights from Plan Academy to enhance your scheduling software expertise.
CE 5340-600 (15659) Advanced Topics in Structural Engineering
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Jose Gomez
Direct stiffness analysis of frames and grids; second order frame analysis; uniform torsion of non-circular sections; influence functions; introduction to work and energy theorems; polynomial approximation and approximate stiffness matrices for framed structures; topics in beam analysis including shear deformable beams, beams on elastic foundations and elastic foundations. Prerequisite: CE 3300 or equivalent.
CE 6030-600 (19623) Green Engineering and Sustainability
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Lisa Peterson
An introductory to sustainability metrics and the engineering tools of industrial ecology, most notably life cycle assessment (LCA). Case studies from various engineering disciplines will be explored. Students will undertake an open-ended LCA project related to their thesis research or improving the sustainability of UVA operations. Prerequisite: SEAS 4th-year or Grad standing.
CE 6070-600 (16374) Smart and Healthy Buildings
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Arsalan Heydarian, Brad Campbell
This class focuses on the next generation of buildings where smart devices, Internet of Things (IoT) systems, machine learning applications, and simulations platforms will be utilized to contextualize the changes in indoor environments and occupants¿ needs, allowing building systems (e.g., HVAC, lighting, blinds) to dynamically adjust themselves to enhance the indoor environmental conditions from the health, comfort, and energy perspectives.
CE 6215-600 (19624) Storm Water Management
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Teresa Culver
This course focuses on urban stormwater management, covering its effects on infrastructure and ecosystems, hydrologic principles, regulations, and both structural and non-structural management strategies. It includes practical projects and modeling tools, with options for graduate customization to align with academic and career objectives. Graduate students have opportunity to customize class to their academic and professional goals.
CE 6220-600 (19625) Water Chemistry
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Andres Clarens
This course covers the basic principles of aquatic chemistry as applied to problems in natural and engineered waters. Four specific reaction types will be covered including 1) acid-base, 2) precipitation-dissolution, 3) complexation, and 4) oxidation-reduction. Problem solving skills will be developed using graphical and analytical techniques. Students will also develop computer simulation skills. Taught concurrently with CE 4100.
CE 6230-600 (16012) Hydrology
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Jonathan Goodall
Stresses the quantitative description and the physical basis of hydrology. Both deterministic and stochastic methodology are applied to the analysis of the hydrologic cycle, namely, precipitation, evaporation, overland flow and stream flow, infiltration, and groundwater flow. The use of compute simulation models, especially microcomputer based models, is emphasized. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
CE 6470-600 (19627) Transport Economics and Finance
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Tong Chen
Economic theory and applications enhance transport demand analysis, transport pricing, welfare considerations and policy evaluation. This course illustrates the fundamentals of transport economics (costs, benefits and pricing), describes key factors that affect these (movement and location choice), and introduces different methods of economic analysis for quantifying the trends in and interactions across these topics. Pre/Co-requisite: CE 6410.
CE 6500-600 (16227) Special Topics: Risk Analysis
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: James Lambert
Detailed study of special topics in civil engineering. Master's-level graduate students. Prerequisites: to be listed for each section as needed.
CE 6500-601 (15805) Special Topics: Adv Reinforced Concrete Design
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Jose Gomez
Detailed study of special topics in civil engineering. Master's-level graduate students. Prerequisites: to be listed for each section as needed.
CE 6500-602 (15781) Special Topics: Land Development Engineering
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Cody Pennetti
Detailed study of special topics in civil engineering. Master's-level graduate students. Prerequisites: to be listed for each section as needed.
CE 6710-600 (16228) Adv Mechanics of Materials
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Jose Gomez
Reviews basic stress-strain concepts; constitutive relations. Studies unsymmetrical bending, shear center, and shear flow. Analyzes curved flexural members, beams on elastic foundation, torsion, bending, and twisting of thin walled sections. Taught concurrently w/ AM 6010. Prerequisite: Undergraduate mechanics and mathematics.
ECE 6380-600 (20435) AI Hardware
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Mircea Stan
This course explores the intricacies of AI hardware, including the current landscape and anticipating the necessary developments in response to AI's rapid growth and widespread integration across all computing tiers. Through this exploration, you will gain an understanding of both the existing technologies and the future challenges in AI hardware design and implementation.
ECE 6501-600 (15686) Special Topics: Semiconductor Devices: Design & Characterization
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Nikhil Shukla
A first-level graduate course covering a topic not normally covered in the graduate course offerings. The topic will usually reflect new developments in the electrical and computer engineering field. Offering is based on student and faculty interests. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
ECE 6711-600 (20135) Probability and Stochastic Processes
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Cong Shen
Topics include probability spaces; random variables and vectors; and random sequences and processes; especially specification and classification. Includes detailed discussion of second-order stationary processes and Markov processes; inequalities, convergence, laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, ergodic, theorems; and MS estimation, Linear MS estimation, and the Orthogonality Principle. Prerequisite: APMA 3100, MATH 3100, or equivalent.
ECE 6750-600 (20167) Digital Signal Processing
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Tom Fletcher
A first graduate course in digital signal processing. Topics include discrete-time signals and systems, application of z-transforms, the discrete-time Fourier transform, sampling, digital filter design, the discrete Fourier transform, the fast Fourier transform, quantization effects and nonlinear filters. Additional topics can include signal compression and multi-resolution processing.
ECE 7712-600 (20136) Digital Communications
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Nickolaos Sidiropoulos
An in-depth treatment of digital communications techniques and performance. Topics include performance of uncoded systems such as Mary, PSK, FSK, and multi-level signaling; orthogonal and bi-orthogonal codes; block and convolutional coding with algebraic and maximum likelihood decoding; burst correcting codes; efficiency and bandwidth; synchronization for carrier reference and bit timing; baseband signaling techniques; intersymbol interference; and equalization. Prerequisite: ECE 6711.
MSE 6010-600 (15661) Electronic and Crystal Structure of Materials
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Petra Reinke
Provides a fundamental understanding of the structure of crystalline and non-crystalline engineering materials from electronic to macroscopic properties. Topics include symmetry and crystallography, the reciprocal lattice and diffraction, quantum physics, bonding and band theory. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
MSE 6120-600 (16239) Characterization of Materials
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Kory Burns
Provides a fundamental understanding of a broad spectrum of techniques utilized to characterize properties of solids. The methods used to assess properties are described through integration of the basic principles and application. Methods more amenable to analysis of bulk properties are differentiated from those aimed at measurements of local/surface properties. MSE 3670 or equivalent, or a solid state materials/physics course.
MSE 6230-600 (15662) Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria of Materials
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Streit Cunningham
Emphasizes the understanding of thermal properties such as heat capacity, thermal expansion, and transitions in terms of the entropy and the other thermodynamic functions. Develops the relationships of the Gibbs and Helmholtz functions to equilibrium systems, reactions, and phase diagrams. Atomistic and statistical mechanical interpretations of crystalline and non-crystalline solids are linked to the general thermodynamical laws by the partition function. Nonequilibrium and irreversible processes in solids are discussed. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
MSE 6350-600 (20018) Physical Metallurgy of Light Alloys
Online Asynchronous
instructor: James Burns
Develops the student's literacy in aluminum and titanium alloys used in the aerospace and automotive industries. Considers performance criteria and property requirements from design perspectives. Emphasizes processing-microstructure development, and structure-property relationships. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
MSE 6592-600 (20022) Special Topics: High Temperature Oxidation
Online Asynchronous
instructor: Elizabeth Opila
A study of special subjects related to developments in materials science under the direction of members of the staff. Offered as required under the guidance of a faculty member.
MSE 6592-601 (15664) Special Topics: Semiconductor Devices: Design & Characterization
Online Asynchronous
instructor: Nikhil Shukla
A study of special subjects related to developments in materials science under the direction of members of the staff. Offered as required under the guidance of a faculty member.
MSE 6592-602 (16241) Special Topics: Polymer Physics
Online Asynchronous
instructor: Liheng Cai
A study of special subjects related to developments in materials science under the direction of members of the staff. Offered as required under the guidance of a faculty member.
MSE 7140-600 (20020) Physics of Materials
Online Asynchronous
instructor: Jon Ihlefeld
This course covers the physical principles governing the elastic, thermal, electronic, and optical properties of materials via a fundamental approach integrating materials science with concepts in solid state physics. Special attention is given to the nature of the crystalline state and wave-particle diffraction with a strong emphasis on the reciprocal lattice, tensor, and Brillouin Zone concepts.
MAE 6020-600 (16286) Continuum Mechanics with Applications
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Natasha Smith
Introduces continuum mechanics and mechanics of deformable solids. Vectors and cartesian tensors, stress, strain, deformation, equations of motion, constitutive laws, introduction to elasticity, thermal elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, and fluids. Cross-listed as APMA 6020, AM 6020. Taught concurrently w/ CE 6720. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
MAE 6270-600 (15822) Experimental Robotics
Online Synchronous
Fr 10am - 12:30pm
Instructor: Tomonari Furukawa
Mechanical design and build of a robot complete with sensors and actuators. Install Robot Operating System (ROS) and operate. Communication using ROS. Integration of microcontrollers and onboard computers. Object recognition. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) of the environment. Prerequisites: undergraduate dynamics; a programming course in Python, C++, or MATLAB; or instructor's permission
MAE 6360-600 (16277) Gas Dynamics
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Thomas Ward
Analyzes the theory and solution methods applicable to multi-dimensional compressible inviscid gas flows at subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic speeds; similarity and scaling rules from small-petrurbation theory, introduction to transonic and hypersonic flows; method-of-characteristics applications to nozzle flows, jet expansions, and flows over bodies one dimensional non-steady flows; properties of gases in thermodynamic equilibrium, including kinetic-theory, chemical-thermodynamics, and statistical-mechanics considerations; dissociation and ionization process; quasi-equilibrium flows; and introduction to non-equilibrium flows. Prerequisite: MAE 6100.
MAE 6410-600 (16041) Engineering Mathematics I
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Julia Spencer
Review of ordinary differential equations, initial/boundary value problems. Linear algebra including systems of linear equations, matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization. Solution of partial differential equations that govern physical phenomena in science and engineering by separation by variables, superposition, Fourier series, variation of parameter, d'Alembert's solution. Cross-listed as APMA 6410. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
MAE 6720-600 (15929) Computational Fluid Dynamics I
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Xinfeng Gao
Includes the solution of flow and heat transfer problems involving steady and transient convective and diffusive transport; superposition and panel methods for inviscid flow, finite-difference methods for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations, elementary grid generation for odd geometries, primitive variable and vorticity-steam function algorithms for incompressible, multidimensional flows. Extensive use of personal computers/workstations, including interactive graphics. Prerequisite: MAE 6310 or instructor permission.
MAE 6870-600 (19750) Applied Engineering Optics
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Chloe Dedic
Analyzes modern engineering optics and methods; fundamentals of coherence, diffraction interference, polarization, and lasing processes; fluid mechanics, heat transfer, stress/strain, vibrations, and manufacturing applications; laboratory practice: interferometry, schlieren/shadowgraph, and laser velocimetry. Prerequisite: PHYS 2415.
SYS 6001-600 (15689) Intro to Systems Analysis & Design
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Matthew Burkett
An integrated introduction to systems methodology, design, and management. An overview of systems engineering as a professional and intellectual discipline, and its relation to other disciplines, such as operations research, management science, and economics. An introduction to selected techniques in systems and decision sciences, including mathematical modeling, decision analysis, risk analysis, and simulation modeling. Elements of systems management, including decision styles, human information processing, organizational decision processes, and information system design for planning and decision support. Emphasizes relating theory to practice via written analyses and oral presentations of individual and group case studies. Prerequisite: Admission to the graduate program.
SYS 6003-600 (15665) Optimization Models and Methods I
Online Asynchronous
instructor: Robert Riggs
This course is an introduction to theory and application of mathematical optimization. The goal of this course is to endow the student with a) a solid understanding of the subject's theoretical foundation and b) the ability to apply mathematical programming techniques in the context of diverse engineering problems. Topics to be covered include a review of convex analysis (separation and support of sets, application to linear programming), convex programming (characterization of optimality, generalizations), Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, constraint qualification and Lagrangian duality. The course closes with a brief introduction to dynamic optimization in discrete time. Prerequisite: Two years of college mathematics, including linear algebra, and the ability to write computer programs.
SYS 6018-600 (20437) Data Mining
Online Asynchronous
instructor: Michael Porter
Data mining describes approaches to turning data into information. Rather than the more typical deductive strategy of building models using known principles, data mining uses inductive approaches to discover the appropriate models. These models describe a relationship between a system's response and a set of factors or predictor variables. Data mining in this context provides a formal basis for machine learning and knowledge discovery. This course investigates the construction of empirical models from data mining for systems with both discrete and continuous valued responses. It covers both estimation and classification, and explores both practical and theoretical aspects of data mining. Prerequisite: SYS 6021, SYS 4021, or STAT 5120.
SYS 6021-600 (15837) Statistical Modeling I
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: Seokhyun Chung
This course shows how to use linear statistical models for analysis in engineering and science. The course emphasizes the use of regression models for description, prediction, and control in a variety of applications. Building on multiple regression, the course also covers principal component analysis, analysis of variance and covariance, logistic regression, time series methods, and clustering. Course lectures concentrate on theory and practice.
SYS 6044-600 (19919) Engineering Economic Systems
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: James Lark
This course is an introduction to the theory of the industrial organization (from a game-theoretic perspective) and its applications to industries with strong engineering content (electricity, telecommunications, software and hardware, etc.). Topics include: congestion pricing in networks, pricing and efficiency in electricity markets, planned obsolescence in software development, "networks" effects and the dynamics of technology adoption.
SYS 6050-600 (15834) Risk Analysis
Online Asynchronous
Instructor: James Lambert
A study of technological systems, where decisions are made under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Topics include conceptualization (the nature, perception, and epistemology of risk, and the process of risk assessment and management) systems engineering tools for risk analysis (basic concepts in probability and decision analysis, event trees, decision trees, and multiobjective analysis), and methodologies for risk analysis. Prerequisite: APMA 3100, SYS 3021, or equivalent.