Graduation Planning
Are you ready to graduate? Follow the 4 steps below to make sure you are fully on track to complete your Master of Engineering degree through Virginia Engineering Online (VEO).
- Finalize all transfer credits. Transfer credit requests, including the receipt of an official transcript with the final grade, cannot be processed in your final semester. Please make sure to finalize all transfer credit requirements at least one semester prior to graduation. Request Approval of Transfer Credits.
- Request program assessments required by your program. It is the student's responsibility to ask instructors to submit the 3 required assessments. Assessment forms should be submitted to your graduate program coordinator. Your graduate program coordinator may assist you and your instructors with form completion. Please check with your program coordinator when you are ready for this step. Required outcome assessments for each program can be found here.
- Log into your SIS Student Center. Verify that your degree plan is correct and that your Academic Requirements report shows that your requirements have been or will be satisfied in time for your expected graduation term (spring, summer, or fall). Your Academic Requirements report will include all UVA courses and approved transfer credits. Departmental course requirement questions should be addressed with your VEO Graduate Coordinator.
- Apply for Graduation in SIS (Deadlines: February 1 for spring, June 1 for summer, October 1 for fall). Visit the SIS FAQs for Students section entitled 'Apply to Graduate in SIS' for detailed instructions. Select the correct program/degree. Verify that your name is correct and as you wish it to be printed on your diploma.
NOTE: If you are not registered for a course at UVA during your final semester, you are required to register in some capacity so that your student status will be active and you will be eligible to graduate. Affiliated Status is a temporary status to enable students to graduate in a term after all degree requirements are met. Students cannot enroll into this status; it must be arranged administratively. Contact Jayne Weber one month prior to the start of the semester you wish to graduate for further information and assistance.
If you need support on any of the items above, please connect with our office at
Contact for Graduation Application Status:
UVA Engineering Graduate Admissions Office – (434) 924-3734
Contact for Graduation Application Status and Graduation Information:
UVA Engineering Graduate Student Office – (434) 924-3897
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AMLocation: Zoom (email presenter for link)
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PMLocation: Rice 540
Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PMLocation: Link Lab