Refund and Withdrawal Policy
Refund Policy Refunds are determined and processed by Student Financial Services in accordance with their policies and schedules. Please review the Student Financial Services Refund page for full details.
Drop Policy after Refund Period and other Registration Changes
Late registration changes must be requested in writing. The instructor and our office ( must be notified of the request. Discuss all requested registration adjustments with your instructor, your degree program’s VEO advisor, and administrative support.
Changes in grading option, such as from letter grade to audit, are allowable before the add deadline with instructor approval. Courses may be dropped (they will not appear on one’s transcript) if registration is canceled by the drop deadline. After the drop deadline, one may withdraw from a course with instructor permission. A “W” will appear on the transcript to reflect the registration change. If a student needs to drop their enrollment to zero credits at any time after registering, they must complete and submit a Leaving the University e-Form found at their SIS student center. This is reversible. When ready to resume studies, complete and submit a Returning to the University form at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the term you will join.
If you mistakenly register for an on-grounds section and need to switch to the correct online/VEO section of a given class, do not use the swap feature in SIS if the class has already started. Changes in your enrollment in these situations often need to be handled administratively. Registration changes for this type of situation may be requested in writing to our office at
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PMLocation: Wilsdorf 101
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:45 PMLocation: Shannon Library, Room 330
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM