Cong Shen

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Cong Shen Headshot

    Cong Shen has extensive industry experience at Qualcomm Research, SpiderCloud Wireless, Silvus Technologies, and His general research interests are machine learning and wireless communications. His current research focuses on multi-armed bandit, reinforcement learning, federated learning, and their engineering applications.

    Mark Sherriff

    Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science Associate Department Chair, Computer Science
    Mark Sherriff

    Prof. Sherriff serves as Associate Department Chair and Director of the BSCS degree program. Teaching Interests: Software Engineering, Computer Game Design, Mobile Application Development.  Research Interests: CS Education, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Game Design and Gamification

    Nikhil Shukla

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
    Nikhil Shukla

    Nikhil Shukla is an Assistant Professor at University of Virginia with a joint appointment in the ECE and the Materials Science and Engineering department.

    Nikolaos Sidiropoulos

    Louis T. Rader Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Nikos Sidiropoulos earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland–College Park, in 1992.

    Kevin Skadron

    Professor of Computer Science
    Kevin Skadron

    Kevin Skadron research interests include, Computer Architecture, Hardware Acceleration, Near-data/in-memory Processing, Automata Processing, High-Performance Computing, Low Power Design, and Hardware Support for Debugging.


    Natasha Smith

    Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Director of Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering
    Natasha Smith headshot
    My research interests include pedagogical research focused on student reasoning, technical communication, and hands-on troubleshooting in a lab setting; systems engineering and the design process; reliability assessment and design, particularly using probabilistic methods; and…

    Brian L. Smith, PE

    Professor Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Associate Dean for Research
    Brian L. Smith Headshot

    Brian L. Smith, PE is a leader in advanced technology in surface transportation systems - specifically "connecting" the infrastructure to travelers to improve transportation safety and efficiency. His research has contributed to innovations such as mobile phone navigation systems and urban freeway management.

    My research broadly focuses on the intersection of public cultures of work; commercial forms and techniques of governance; technology and the design of tools, machines, and devices; and architectures and infrastructures of mobility in the city. My current research focuses on…

    Mircea R. Stan

    Director of Computer Engineering Virginia Microelectronics Consortium (VMEC) Professor
    Currently Recruiting
    Mircea R. Stan

    Mircea R. Stan is teaching and doing research in the areas of AI hardware, Processing in Memory, Cyber-Physical Systems, Computational RFID, Low Power, Spintronics, and Nanoelectronics.

    John A. Stankovic

    BP America Professor Emeritus Director Emeritus of the Link Lab
    John A. Stankovic

    Stankovic has h-index of 125 and over 68,500 citations. He was awarded the IEEE Simon Ramo Medal. He has two test of time paper awards, nine Best Paper awards, and eleven Best Paper runner up awards. He has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of York, U.K. He is the Emeritus BP America Professor in the Computer Science dept.

    Richard Stearns

    Distinguished Institute Professor, Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative, Computer Science (by Courtesy)
    Richard Stearns headshot
    Research Interests: Computational complexity, Automata theory, Analysis of algorithms, Discrete dynamical systems, Game theory Dr. Richard Stearns is a Distinguished Institute Professor with the Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative at the University of Virginia. He has made…

    Derrick Stone

    Senior Lecturer Computer Science
    man with gray hair wearing a blue button-down shirt

    With three decades of industry experience in tech and software development, I'm interested in helping students understand both the theory and the implementation.

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