Jesse Quinlan

    Guest Lecturer
    Jesse Quinlan headshot photo

    Jesse Quinlan works as a senior aerospace engineer in the Aeronautics Systems Analysis Branch and leads a team with a focus on applications to large, commercial, transport aircraft for the NASA Advanced Air Transport Technology Project. At the AATT he manages the development and execution of aircraft development, design, and technology assessment.

    Daniel Quinn

    Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Daniel Quinn Headshot

    Associate Professor Quinn first came to the University of Virginia as an undergraduate student in 2006. For his doctoral work, Professor Quinn was awarded the American Physical Society’s Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics. He went on to become a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Bio-Inspired Research and Design at Stanford University.

    Julianne Quinn

    Assistant Professor
    Julianne Quinn Headshot

    Quinn's research focuses on optimization and simulation methods used to inform the design and management of water resources systems with the goals of protecting people from nature (floods and droughts), and nature from people (pollution and consumption). She is interested in how advanced sensing and forecasting techniques inform this optimization.

    portait ramakrishan
    Adarsh Ramakrishnan is a product leader and entrepreneur with a passion for design and business. Prior to his current role as a senior product manager at CarMax, he founded 3 product-focused businesses and served in executive roles at an agency and manufacturing startup In addition to…

    Michael Reed

    Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering Associate Vice President, Westlake University
    Michael Reed headshot
    Michael Reed is currently on leave from UVA, serving as Associate Vice President of Westlake University in Hangzhou, China. He has held appointments at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Carnegie-Mellon University, University of Twente, ETH Zürich, and the Albert Ludwigs Universität…
    Reidenbach's primary area of research is environmental fluid dynamics, with an emphasis on physical-biological interactions in coastal environments. Current research activities include the effects of flow and turbulence on nutrient exchange in coral reefs, sediment transport in…

    Ann Reimers

    Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Academic Advisor
    Headshot of Ann Reimers

    Dr. Ann Reimers retired as a full-time educator at UVa in May of 2023, but continues as a part-time academic advisor to Mechanical Engineering students.  She is excited to be able to focus on supporting her advisees in their academic, emotional and professional growth.

    Petra Reinke

    Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director Engineering Physics Program
    Petra Reinke

    Petra Reinke received her first degree, a diploma (M.S.) from the University of Konstanz in Germany, in Chemistry where she focused on physical chemistry.

    Karina Rider

    Assistant Professor
    Karina Rider Headshot

    Karina researches how people think about "good work" in the digital age. Trained as a sociologist, they use qualitative methods to get at how people critique technology and labor, and how they try to fix it. They are writing a book for MIT Press about what happens when high-status tech workers in Silicon Valley become disillusioned with their jobs.

    Sara Lu Riggs

    Associate Professor
    Sara Lu Riggs headshot
    My research focuses on task sharing, attention management, and interruption management in complex environments that have included aviation, healthcare, military operations, and manufacturing. These work environments impose considerable and continually increasing attentional demands on…

    Dr. Gabriel Robins

    Professor of Computer Science
    Headshot of Gabriel Robins

    Professor Gabriel Robins earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA in 1992, where he received an IBM Fellowship and a Distinguished Teaching Award.

    Ethan A. Scott

    Research Assistant Professor
    Ethan A. Scott Headshot

    Ethan joined the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in 2023. In addition to teaching, he is active in research and helps to manage the UVA ExSiTE Lab. Ethan's research interests focus on the development and application of experimental techniques, to analyze heat and energy transfer in extremes of material size and environment.

UVA Engineering is a vibrant, collegial environment in which to work and teach. 

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