John R. Scully

    Charles Henderson Chaired Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Co-Director of Center for Electrochemical Science and Engineering
    John R. Scully Headshot

    Scully's primary research interest is to understand the relationships between a material's structure and composition and properties related to environmental degradation. His historical current focus is on advanced aluminum, magnesium, titanium, ferrous and nickel-based alloys, as well as stainless steels and aluminum-based intermetallic compounds.

    Bryn Elizabeth Seabrook

    Assistant Professor
    Bryn Elizabeth Seabrook Headshot

    Bryn Seabrook's research interests include, bioethics, public participation in environmental policymaking, energy efficiency, climate change, negotiating the environmental - consumer nexus, and analyzing American consumer culture.

    Majid Shafiee-Jood

    Research Assistant Professor Graduate Program Director
    Majid Jood

    Majid Shafiee-Jood is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Systems and Information Engineering at the University of Virginia.

    Cong Shen

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Cong Shen Headshot

    Cong Shen has extensive industry experience at Qualcomm Research, SpiderCloud Wireless, Silvus Technologies, and His general research interests are machine learning and wireless communications. His current research focuses on multi-armed bandit, reinforcement learning, federated learning, and their engineering applications.

    Nikolaos Sidiropoulos

    Louis T. Rader Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Nikos Sidiropoulos earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland–College Park, in 1992.

    Kevin Skadron

    Professor of Computer Science
    Kevin Skadron

    Kevin Skadron research interests include, Computer Architecture, Hardware Acceleration, Near-data/in-memory Processing, Automata Processing, High-Performance Computing, Low Power Design, and Hardware Support for Debugging.


    James A. Smith

    Henry L. Kinnier Professor of Civil Engineering
    James Smith headshot photo

    James A. Smith is an environmental engineer holding the Henry L. Kinnier Chair of Civil Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UVA. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech in 1983 and 1984, and his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Princeton University in 1992.

    Brian L. Smith, PE

    Professor Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Associate Dean for Research
    Brian L. Smith Headshot

    Brian L. Smith, PE is a leader in advanced technology in surface transportation systems - specifically "connecting" the infrastructure to travelers to improve transportation safety and efficiency. His research has contributed to innovations such as mobile phone navigation systems and urban freeway management.

    Julia C. Spencer

    Assistant Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Applied Mathematics
    Julia C. Spencer Headshot

    Raised in NYC, Spencer's affinity for Charlottesville grew when she moved to study math at UVA in 2014. Her thesis focused on he linearized Navier-Stokes equations. Soon after she graduated, she started teaching at Mary Baldwin College and then moved back to teach math at UVA's Applied Math program. Outside work, she enjoys yoga and puzzles.

    My research broadly focuses on the intersection of public cultures of work; commercial forms and techniques of governance; technology and the design of tools, machines, and devices; and architectures and infrastructures of mobility in the city. My current research focuses on…

    Mircea R. Stan

    Director of Computer Engineering Virginia Microelectronics Consortium (VMEC) Professor
    Currently Recruiting
    Mircea R. Stan

    Mircea R. Stan is teaching and doing research in the areas of AI hardware, Processing in Memory, Cyber-Physical Systems, Computational RFID, Low Power, Spintronics, and Nanoelectronics.

    Derrick Stone

    Senior Lecturer Computer Science
    man with gray hair wearing a blue button-down shirt

    With three decades of industry experience in tech and software development, I'm interested in helping students understand both the theory and the implementation.

UVA Engineering is a vibrant, collegial environment in which to work and teach. 

Visit Jobs@UVA