By  Computer Science

About Trey:
I'm currently a 2nd-year Ph.D. student at UVA. My research at UVA includes thermal modeling and, more recently, acceleration and emulation using FPGAs. I received my undergraduate degree from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Computer Engineering. While there, I worked on the RaPID prototyping project in which we researched re-purposing Blu-ray drives to be photolithography prototyping tools.
I've always been interested in teaching, which is why I've pursued being a TA as long as I have. I have TA'ed courses involving signals and systems, microcomputer systems, FPGAs, computer architecture, and algorithms. I find teaching very rewarding, and aspire to one day be a professor teaching my own classes.
As for my personal life, I enjoy spending my free time with my family. I just got engaged to my beautiful fiancee in April, and so I'm excited for the adventure that lies ahead of us. I'm also an avid board game collector, and I love to play board games and tabletop RPGs.
What has kept Trey motivated:
Funny enough, the main thing that has motivated me throughout this pandemic has been a fear of becoming unproductive. I've moved out of Charlottesville to be with my family, and I knew that being home with them could cause an extreme lack of motivation and, consequently, decrease my productivity. I didn't want this to happen, so I proactively forced myself to set aside time to get my work done. I'm actually working more regular hours (and probably more hours overall) now that I'm home than I did when I was in Charlottesville.