Student Clubs and Groups
Association for Computing Machinery
Contacts: Param Damle -, Jialin Tso -
Faculty Sponsor: Mark Floryan & Rich Nguyen
Who? Undergrads
Meetings/Events: We have events every week! Join our mailing list from the website to get updates.
Special Events: Academic, professional, and social events such as game nights, dinners with professors, workshops, programming competitions, and more!
Computer and Network Security Club
Contacts: Riley Immel -
Who? Undergrads and Grads
Meetings/Events: Weekly, usually on Wednesday Evenings
More information: We host weekly, hands-on workshops on different cybersecurity topics, host guest speakers, compete in CTFs and competitions such as the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) and the Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition (CPTC), and more.
Data Science and Analytics Club
Meetings/Events: Monthly lunch and learns are first come first serve Workshops are one per month Corporate events occur more in the recruiting season
More information: Data Science and Analytics Club is a place for students at the University of Virginia to grow in their understanding of data science as a field, a skillset, and a passion. We strive to better students' engagement with the field through interactive workshops, career-building seminars, competitions, and networking events. This is a student-led and student-run club. Please follow our page to stay in touch and hear about upcoming events!
Contacts: Sindhu Ranga -, Rithik Yelisetty -
Who? Undergrads
Meetings/Events: Every Wednesday at 8:30pm
Special Events: HooHacks every year (largest hackathon at UVA); technical and design workshops in partnership with companies or other CIOs
Contact: Omar El Sheikh-
Who? Undergrads
Meetings/Events: Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00pm in the VR Space of Clemons Library 3rd floor
Special Events: Speaker presentations and workshops for developing/making content for immersive technologies (VR/AR/3D)
More Information: Immersive@UVa’s club goal is to promote the usage and development of immersive technologies. This includes VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), 3D scanning/printing, and motion capture. Come by if you have questions about how to get started developing projects for the space, need team members for a project, or are just curious and would like to try out the technology! Devices like the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift + Touch, Microsoft Hololens, and more are available for members to learn about and use!
Machine Learning Club at the University of Virginia
Contacts: Christopher Geier-, Brian Yu-
Faculty Sponsor: Nada Basit
Who? Undergrads
Meetings/Events: Bi-weekly on a schedule decided at the beginning of the semester.
Special Events: Organized review of online ML courses, topic presentations, and industry speakers.
Nano and Emerging Technologies Club (NExT)
Who? Undergrads
More Information: NExT is an interdisciplinary club that aims to get students engaged in the research community at UVA. We host seminars from all over the school, we have multiple ongoing projects, and we connect students who have their own project ideas with resources and other students to make their project possible.
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE at UVA)
Who? Anyone (Undergraduates & Graduates)
More Information: The mission of NSBE at UVA is "to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community". We strive to achieve our mission through professional development, community service, pre-college initiatives, academic excellence programs, social gatherings and conferences. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Profit with Purpose
Contacts: Rebecca Yoo-
Faculty Sponsor: Willie Williams
Who? Undergrads
Meetings/Events: Once a month (general body meeting), two to three social or professional events per month.
Special Events: Occasional fundraisers aimed to strengthen bonds between mentors
Project Code
Contacts: Yili Bai -
Who? Undergrads & grads
Meetings/Events: Vary depending on the project
Special Events: project showcase, technical skills training series
More Information: Project Code aims to empower UVA students by promoting a problem-solving mindset through hands-on projects that reflect real-life applications of computer science. We prioritize connecting passionate individuals who have diverse skills but share common interests. Our goal is to provide students with opportunities to gain practical experience and prepare for their careers beyond UVA through various student-led projects. These projects offer students the chance to develop essential technical skills while also providing a creative outlet.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at the University of Virginia
Contacts: Caroline Pavlak- or
Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence (SIGAI)
Contacts: Alex Ning-, Vainateya Rangaraju-
Meetings/Events: Meeting times vary depending on activity. Please reference the Discord
More Information: The comprehensive AI club at UVA, dedicated to expanding and promoting the accessibility and engagement of AI. We have something for everybody - from those just starting out on their AI journey to seasoned experts -, including AI projects, lectures, and guest speaker seminars, as well as plans for events including a hackathon, resume workshops, networking events, and many others!
Student Game Developers
Contacts: Ryan Kann -, Jimmy Patterson -, Wyatt Joyner -
Who? Undergrads & Grads
Meetings/Events: Varies for each semester long game project (typically 1 meeting per week).
Special Events: Game development, game playing, and networking events ranging from fast-paced Game Jams to long term projects. Participate in a variety of club-wide events from Game Nights, Game Development Workshops, Community Dinners, and more.
Women in Computing Sciences
Contacts: Kate Newton -, Shruthi Solaiappan -
Faculty Sponsor: Tom Horton
Who? Undergrads, grads
Special Events: Monthly Professor Dinner Series, Annual Rotunda Dinner, annual hackathons, company info sessions or workshops hosted by outside companies, Women in Tech Bootcamp, Lunch and Learn, mentorship events.
More Information: The mission of Women in Computing Sciences at UVA is to raise awareness about challenges faced by women and non-binary individuals in the technology field, providing a supportive network and community to inspire them to explore educational and professional opportunities in technology. This group aims to promote interest and knowledge in the science and applications of modern computing while also working to enhance recruitment and retention of women and non-binary individuals in computing sciences.