Robotics Research

graphic representing robotics work

The intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) represents a rapidly evolving frontier in technology and society, poised to revolutionize industries ranging from personal home robot assistants to autonomous vehicles. The department of computer science at UVA is at the forefront of this exciting field, leveraging AI, computer vision, language, and foundation models to advance robot perception, decision-making, and control. By integrating advanced machine learning algorithms with robotics, we are pushing the boundaries of what autonomous systems can achieve, enabling them to operate in complex, dynamic environments with unprecedented levels of autonomy and efficiency.

Robotics Core Faculty

Madhur Behl

Associate Professor, Computer Science Associate Professor, Systems and Information Engineering Team Principal, Cavalier Autonomous Racing Cyber-Physical Systems Link Lab

Dr. Madhur Behl is an associate professor in the departments of Computer Science, and Systems and Information Engineering.
He conducts research in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, and is the team principal of UVA's Cavalier Autonomous Racing team

Rohan Chandra

Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Rohan Chandra is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research interests include multi-robot navigation, human-robot interaction, and autonomous driving. The overarching goal of his robotics lab is to design algorithms and systems that enable robots to navigate among humans, like humans.

Sebastian Elbaum

Professor of Computer Science

Sebastian Elbaum is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research aims to build dependable systems through domain-specific analysis techniques.  He is an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. I am a founding member of the LESS Lab.  

Lu Feng

Associate Professor, Computer Science, Systems & Information Engineering
Lu Feng is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. She is also a member of the Link Lab - the center of research excellence in Cyber-Physical Systems. Her research focuses on assuring the safety and trustworthiness of cyber-physical systems, with applications…

Yen-Ling Kuo

Anita Jones Faculty Fellow Assistant Professor, Computer Science
​Research interests include: Robot Learning, Human-AI/Robot Interaction, Artificial Intelligence ​​Yen-Ling Kuo is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and a member of the Link Lab at the University of Virginia. Her research interests lies in the intersection of artificial intelligence and…